
Do you have an innovative business idea, but have difficulties with financing? Crowdfunding could be the solution for you!

Dear founders, creatives, inventors and social entrepreneurs,
Do you have a great idea, but traditional financing channels such as bank loans seem closed? Don't worry! Crowdfunding offers you an exciting alternative to realize your project and gain high visibility at the same time.

What is crowdfunding?
In crowdfunding, many people jointly finance your project via an internet platform. Usually with small contributions that can achieve great things in total. We support you!

Our free initial consultation will helpyoutoclarifyall the important questions about crowdfunding:

  • Is your project suitable for crowdfunding?
  • Which platform suits you best?
  • How high should your funding target be?
  • What services can you offer in return?
  • What do you need for a successful campaign?
  • How much time and effort do you need to plan for?

Let's develop your crowdfunding strategy together! We are at your side with help and advice to make your project a success. Do you have any questions or would you like to arrange a consultation? Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to getting to know you and your innovative idea!

#inquired What actually is crowdfunding?

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Contact us

Project Assistant Foundation and Entrepreneurship
Galina Bauer
Project Assistant Foundation and Entrepreneurship
hannoverimpuls GmbH
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