Save costs with environmental protection
Titelbild Ökoprofit
Ökoprofit cover picture

ÖKOPROFIT enables companies to optimize their procedures and processes from an ecological point of view.

It is a nationally recognized award for companies that pay particular attention to economically sensible and ecologically compatible environmental concepts.

ÖKOPROFIT: Reduce operating costs, protect the environment

With ÖKOPROFIT Hannover, companies are setting course for a sustainable corporate structure. In eight joint workshops and four individual consultation sessions, the ÖKOPROFIT participants develop practical improvement measures that benefit both environmental protection and reduce operating costs.

A successful model for years

Over the years, more than 200 large and small companies and institutions from various sectors have participated in the ÖKOPROFIT Hannover program. If you also want to improve your business situation by saving energy, water, waste water, waste, emissions, raw materials and supplies, then you cancontinue here

Further information can also be found in the current documentation

After the introductory round, companies can continue their sustainable environmental protection activities and exchange ideas with each other in the ECOPROFIT Club. The ECOPROFIT Club offers participants various workshops with key topics and on-site consultations.

Brief information on the program

The following film clearly explains the Ökoprofit program

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Contact us

State capital Hanover
Sven Weißenberg

Ecoprofit and sustainability project management
Department of Economics - Economic Development
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