Hanover's health network

In a green city of short distances, people come together quickly and easily for research, translation and entrepreneurship.

The networks and organizations in Hanover work closely together.

  • BioRegioN> Lower Saxony's overarching network in the Bio-Tech Triangle Braunschweig, Göttingen, Hanover
    Contact:Maike Rochon

  • Medical Park> Infrastructure network with laboratory and office space in the heart of the health campus, i.e. directly connected to the MHH, the NIFE and Fraunhofer
    Contact:Dr. Yvonne Reinke

  • Starting Business & Transfer Offices> Innovations from the university and access to innovators at Hannover Medical School
    MHH: Christiane Bock von Wülfingen
    Leibniz Uni: Helge Wilker
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