Regional commercial space investment program

The Hannover Region Economic Development Agency has amended its REGIP funding guideline for commercial space development by resolution of the Regional Assembly on 23.02.2021.
In future, sustainability criteria are to be taken into account in the planning concept as a prerequisite for funding. The Hannover Region has based this on recommendations from the model projects "Green instead of gray - industrial estates in transition" (Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e. V.) and "Sustainable industrial estates" by the Innovation Network for Sustainable SMEs.
The sustainability criteria include the integration of neighboring biotopes, the infiltration of surface water, photovoltaics and green roofs, the use of renewable energies and sustainable mobility concepts in the neighborhood.
This can involve new industrial estates as well as brownfield revitalization measures or redevelopment measures in existing industrial estates.
The cities and municipalities in the Hannover Region are eligible to apply.
The funding is designed in two stages:
Initial phase
- Determination of the action area and the development goals and measures
- Determination of risks and costs as well as potential and possible marketing revenues
- Decision for project implementation (follow-up funding via implementation phase) or project exit.
Feasibility studies, expert opinions, planning and utilization concepts are eligible for funding through non-repayable grants to municipalities of up to €100,000 (in exceptional cases up to €150,000) with a funding rate of 50%
Implementation phase
Eligible are
- Securing land through land acquisition (if necessary, reallocation measures and urban development contract with the owner)
- Site preparation (soil remediation and demolition of old buildings if necessary)
- Development, road construction and landscaping measures.
Contact us
Arne Schütt
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion