Recruitment and integration of foreign skilled workers

Welcome Center

Success story
WelcomeHanover Region

Successful integration: Bennigsen car dealership hires Tunisian automotive mechatronics technician

With the help of the Welcome Center Region Hannover, Autohaus Bennigsen GmbH has recruited a car mechatronics technician from ...
Specialists and changemanagementWelcome

Cooperation agreement on skilled labor immigration signed

Region and state capital, as well as IHK and HWK streamline processes
Specialists and changemanagementWelcomeRegionHannover

Hannover Region promotes the recruitment of foreign skilled workers

First companies benefit from the "Welcome to Hannover Region" project
Success story
WelcomeHanover Region

From the Tunisian sun to Langenhagen

Welcome to the Hanover region: The future employee of the company Kältech Kälte- und Klimatechnik GmbH from ...

How do I find new skilled workers for my company?
And what are the most important steps for the successful integration of foreign skilled workers?

Individual advice on the recruitment, integration and employment of international skilled workers - a free service for companies in the Hannover Region.

The Welcome Center supports companies in the Hannover Region in the recruitment and integration of foreign skilled workers. We work closely with the relevant specialist departments of the Federal Employment Agency, the immigration authorities, the chambers and the integration advice centers and pool all of their expertise in our service. Together with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), we are developing new partnerships with third countries for fair migration.

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