Pretty VRECH!

Germany's first VR education center
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Would you like to experience XR technologies up close and get to know and implement their potential for your educational institution?

Then VRECH is the right place for you! VRECH is the first VR education center in Germany to focus specifically on the use of immersive technologies in education and serves as an experimental, training and event location for schools, companies and the interested public.

Immersion in virtual worlds is no longer just a topic for the games industry! Immersive technologies such as 360-degree videos, augmented or virtual reality (XR technologies for short) open up new possibilities for learning.

Whether exploring distant lands, visualizing areas that are actually difficult to access or addressing different sensory organs - this is already possible with the help of new technologies. This opens up numerous new options, particularly in schools and in the field of education.

Together with strong partners and supported by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, the VRECH - Virtual Reality Education Center Hannover was founded in May 2022 at the MultiMedia vocational schools in the Hannover region. From further training for teachers and trainers to company meet-ups and specialist events.

Immerse yourself and get to know VRECH better.

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