Foundation in Germany

Individual consulting concept for founders

Do you have a start-up idea and are planning to become self-employed? We have developed an individual consulting concept for founders from different cultural backgrounds. This will help you to precisely identify your customers' needs, formulate your business idea, consolidate your financial planning and handle all the formalities.

Hello! Привіт! Привет!

Are you new to Hanover and want to start your own business? Would you like to set up a company (FOP, TOV/OOO) in Hanover? Then we can help you. We speak German, English and Russian. Write us an email for a free

Are you new in Hanover and want to start your own business? Would you like to set up a company (FOP, TOV/OOO) in Hanover? Then we can help you. We speak German, English and Russian. Write us an email for a free consultation:

Ви новачок у Ганновері і хочете відкрити власний бізнес? Бажаєте створити компанію (FOP, TOV/OOO) у Ганновері? Тоді ми зможемо вам допомогти. Розмовляємо німецькою, англійською та російською мовами. Напишіть нам електронного листа, щоб отримати безкоштовнну консультацію:

Вы недавно живёте в Ганновере и хотите начать свой собственный бизнес? Вы хотите зарегистрировать компанию (ФОП, ТОВ/ООО) в Ганновере? Тогда мы сможем вам помочь. Мы говорим на немецком, английском и русском языках. Для бесплатной консультации напишите нам на

Contact us

Aysun Balci Gözgün
Project Manager Start-up and Entrepreneurship
hannoverimpuls GmbH

Portraits of the founders

Many different start-up motives, backgrounds, paths and stories behind each individual venture. However, they all have one thing in common: the founders' stories have set out with an idea, gathered information and support and prepared thoroughly for self-employment. Well equipped, they realize their (business) goals.

Are you new to Germany, new to Hanover? Do you want to become self-employed and start a business and don't know what you need to do? In our new series, we briefly explain the most important steps in different languages.

Renata - Russian language

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Renata - Ukrainian language

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Oseé - French language

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Lucy Maria - Spanish language

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Faruk - Language German

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Aiham - Language: Arabic

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Liping - Language: Chinese

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Shadi - Language: English

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Sümeyra - Language: Turkish

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