The importance of smartcity solutions isincreasing worldwide in order to make cities more efficient, sustainable and liveable. With "HIDD - Hannover's Internet of Things", theHannover RegionEconomic Development Corporation has launchedaninitiative aimedat promotingsmart city technologies, innovations and strategies in local communities. The aim is tomakeurban planning and infrastructuremore efficientthrough the use of urbandata platforms, Internet of Things (IoT) sensor technologiesand artificialintelligence.

- Early warning systems for natural events
- Saving water resources in the area of resilience and climate change adaptation
- Optimization of urban mobility
Together, we can develop and implement innovative smart city solutions that make our cities more efficient, sustainable and liveable. Please contact us for further information on HIDD in Lower Saxony and the Hannover Region.

The project "HIDD - Hannover's Internet of Things" is a project of the Hannover Region Economic Development Agency in cooperation with niedersachsen.digital. The Hannover Region is cooperating with the state capital of Hannover, which is one of seven BUND-funded smart city municipalities (MPSC) in Lower Saxony, as well as the municipal umbrella organizations.