Viability check - funding and subsidies
Dear founders,
Setting up a company often involves higher investments. We at hannoverimpuls will be happy to advise you on questions regarding subsidies and grants. Our team will provide you with information on various forms of loans and support you in drawing up business plans for the bank interview as well as for applying for the start-up grant.
As an expert body, hannoverimpuls will issue the necessary statement on the viability of your start-up project if the financial plan and business concept are plausible and comprehensible.
Requirements for the statement
To obtain an expert opinion from hannoverimpuls, the following documents must be submitted:
- Business plan text section with description of the business idea, target group, market and competition analysis and marketing concept
- Detailed financial planning for at least three years, including
- Sales plan on a monthly basis
- Investment planning
- Capital requirements with investments, start-up costs
- Financial resources
- Indication of necessary private withdrawals
- Operating costs
- Profitability forecast
- Liquidity plan
- Curriculum vitae and proof of qualifications (related to the project)
The business concept should present a convincing business idea with realistic sales and cost forecasts.
hannoverimpuls then examines whether the start-up project appears to be viable and, if the assessment is positive, prepares the necessary statement for funding applications.
Contact us
Galina Bauer
hannoverimpuls GmbH