Are you ready to take your business idea to the next level? Our start-up competitions offer you the perfect opportunity to develop and present your marketable ideas.

Why take part?

  • Platform for your ideas: Take the opportunity to present your concepts to a broad public and have them tested for their marketability.
  • Attractive prizes: In addition to qualified advice, you can also win cash prizes to help you get started in self-employment.
  • Valuable contacts: Make connections with financially strong and experienced start-up partners who will support you on your path to success.

Accompaniment on your way

Before, during and after our competitions, we can support you with a variety of measures to ensure your business success:

  • Individual advice: Get customized support from experts.
  • Workshops and seminars: Take part in events that will help you to develop your business idea further.
  • Networking events: Meet other founders and exchange ideas.

Your next step

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to promote your business idea and make valuable contacts. Register for our competitions today and let us shape your entrepreneurial success together! We look forward to accompanying you on your path to self-employment and bringing your ideas to life.

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