Branch officeNature - Designing company premises close to nature

12.08.2024 - The "AußenstelleNatur - Firmengelände naturnah gestalten" project offers companies the opportunity to increase biodiversity on their company premises under expert guidance and make a contribution to combating insect extinction.
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The "AußenstelleNatur - Firmengelände naturnah gestalten" project offers companies the opportunity to increase biodiversity on their company premises under expert guidance and make a contribution to combating insect mortality. The five-year project is funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Nuclear Safety (BfN) from the federal program "Biological Diversity" as well as by the Hannover Region and the Umweltzentrum Hannover e. V. (duration 10/2019 to 09/2024).

  • The nature-oriented and insect-friendly redesign of private company premises (up to 42 companies, primarily SMEs, are to be advised)
  • The topic of insect protection and biodiversity is to be raised in the affected company workforces through events and workshops
  • A nationwide network with partner regions is to be set up to enable stakeholders to share their experiences.
Environmental Center Hannover e.V.
  • Near-natural plants reduce the maintenance effort and look more attractive (flowering meadows)
  • Areas close to nature can be used for breaks and increase the well-being of employees
  • Near-natural rainwater management enables split wastewater charges with cost savings
  • Green roofs and façades reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling
  • Consultations for interested companies
  • Support and assistance with the (re)design of the company premises
  • Public relations work for the participating companies
  • Initial consultation with a natural gardener
  • Initial consultation on insect-friendly lighting
  • Seed subsidy/plant subsidy
  • Lighting subsidy
  • Information event/workshop for employees
  • Information boards on the company premises

Contact us

Environmental Center Hannover e.V.

Noreen Hiery
Hausmannstrasse 9-10
30159 Hanover
Phone: 0511 16403-13

Further information

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Hanover Region
Project management & operational consulting
Melanie Albrecht
Project management & operational consulting
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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