Hydrogen Campus Hanover

04.07.2024 - Pooling local expertise to remove barriers to the development of innovative hydrogen-related products and training specialists for a carbon-neutral economy
Overview of the Hannover Hydrogen Campus

The use of green hydrogen as an energy source or process gas is an effective measure to significantly reduce the ecological footprint of companies. However, companies often have concerns about the safety or cost-effectiveness of hydrogen applications. As a result, many companies are reluctant to replace established applications with highly reactive hydrogen.

In order to overcome existing obstacles, the Hannover Region has been funding the "Hydrogen Campus Hannover" initiative with around €600,000 since November 1, 2021.

The goal:

Combining the collective expertise of all regional universities and research institutes to create individual opportunities for companies to use hydrogen. On the one hand, this involves the training and further education of specialists in the safe handling of hydrogen. On the other hand, a network of companies is being created that is developing innovative solutions for the production, transportation or use of green hydrogen.

Offers of the Hydrogen Campus Hannover

Hydrogen-powered multicopter as the core of innovation

The Hydrogen Campus Hannover is being built around a central student project in which a hydrogen-powered multicopter is being developed by several student teams. The "Multicopter" team is optimizing the aircraft aerodynamically and determining the requirements for the hydrogen propulsion system. The "H2 fuel cell" team and the "H2 turbine" team try to meet these requirements as efficiently as possible.

The more effective result is subsequently designed, built and tested by the "Prototype" team. The results of the "System Integration" team, which designs the electrical on-board network including hydrogen drive, electrical buffer storage and consumers, are also used for this. Companies interested in free sponsorship for these teams of prospective specialists can get in touch with the contacts listed below.

Basic hydrogen laboratory for future specialists


The "ITV - Institute for Technical Combustion" is implementing two basic laboratories to increase understanding of the production and use of hydrogen. In the "Production and use of oxyhydrogen" laboratory, participants use electrolysis to produce a hydrogen-oxygen mixture (oxyhydrogen), which is then burned. In the "Combustion temperatures of hydrogen" lab, participants mix water vapor into the hydrogen before combustion to lower the combustion temperature.

Participants learn procedures for controlling the combustion of hydrogen and use their own experience to overcome prejudices, such as unfounded, inhibiting safety concerns. After a test phase with students, the laboratory will also be available to interested employees from trade and industrial companies.

Network for innovative and sustainable companies

Hanover Region

The results of the student teams and new projects from regional companies are presented at regular "H2-meetups". The events also offer an in-depth insight into the hydrogen laboratories and the current initiatives of the research institutions. Once a year, a hydrogen congress is also held as an overarching event, meaning that the Hydrogen Campus Hannover also serves to establish and maintain a close-knit innovation network.

Within this framework, companies can exchange new product and process ideas. Companies wishing to become part of this network can get in touch with the Hydrogen Campus Hannover contacts listed below. In addition, registration options will be activated on this homepage at regular intervals.

Promotion of hydrogen products and applications

To ensure that companies and research institutions develop the network's innovative ideas into prototypes for sustainable products as quickly as possible, the Hannover Region supports individual company projects and cooperation projects with up to €200,000. The funding is technology-independent and is decided for each applicant within a few weeks. This not only reduces the development risks. It also speeds up the implementation of ideas. Some projects will already start in the first quarter of 2022.

In addition, the innovation consultants from the Economic and Employment Promotion Department also support interested companies in acquiring funding from the federal government or the state of Lower Saxony. The first initiatives for the development of new materials and technologies for the combustion of hydrogen have already been launched.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Head of transformation network new/car
Dr. Michael Merwart
Head of transformation network new/car
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion

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