Artificial intelligence

Analyzing and evaluating large amounts of data is one of the most important challenges of our time. The research field of artificial intelligence (AI) attempts to replicate human perception and action using machines.

The amount of data produced continues to grow unabated. The reasons for this rapid growth are not only the digitalization of content and the exchange of data, but above all the integration of digital measurement, control and regulation systems - embedded systems - into everyday objects as well as the exchange and processing of data in "intelligent environments".

On this topic, hannoverimpuls offers you an AI Meetup to exchange ideas with others. The series of events will focus on innovative applications, models and technologies. Project and application examples: automatic, intelligent document management; natural language processing; Legaltec; predictive maintenance/logistics; computer vision for product information management

Contact us

Project Manager Trends & Innovation
Dennis Masternak
Project Manager Trends & Innovation
hannoverimpuls GmbH
Project Manager Trends & Innovation
Dr. Georg Leuteritz
Project Manager Trends & Innovation
hannoverimpuls GmbH
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