Skilled Workers Alliance Hanover

09.04.2024 - The Skilled Workers Alliance in the Hannover Region sees itself as part of the Lower Saxony Skilled Workers Initiative and agrees with the fundamental goals of the state-wide initiative.
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The main aim of the regional skilled labor alliance is to secure the skilled labor base in the Hannover Region in the long term and to make it future-proof in the face of the challenges.

In the Hannover Region, too, stable employment relationships and good working conditions are key to securing skilled workers and play a central role in the long-term retention of existing skilled workers and the recruitment of young talent.

The skilled workers alliance in the Hannover Region has set itself the goal of jointly promoting good working conditions and the organization of the labour market as well as emphasizing the great importance of collective bargaining and social partnership in the region.

Anniversary: 10 years of the Skilled Workers Alliance

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The Skilled Workers Alliance Hannover is committed to the following fields of action

  • Education
  • Employment of older people
  • Integration and/or immigration
  • Compatibility of family and career
  • Further training
  • Hanover Employment Agency
  • General Employers' Association Hanover and Surroundings e.V.
  • DGB Hanover
  • hannoverimpuls GmbH
  • Hanover Chamber of Crafts
  • Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • Jobcenter Hannover Region
  • State capital Hanover
  • Leibniz University Hanover
  • Hanover Region

Contact us

Hanover Region
Team leader employment promotion
Dr. Oliver Brandt
Team leader employment promotion
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

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