Combating youth unemployment

In the Hannover Region, too, young people without a training place should no longer waste time in transitional measures in which they cannot obtain a qualifying qualification. Instead, they should be trained immediately after leaving school - with priority given to dual training.
It is therefore particularly important to focus on target groups that have not previously been the focus of HR experts: School and training drop-outs, pupils without qualifications, with poor certificates or a lack of German language skills. This also includes breaking down structural barriers for young people with a migration background, systematically and sustainably supporting young people with start-up difficulties and, for example, opening up real career opportunities for young mothers.
The focus of operational work as part of the program against youth unemployment is on shaping transitions, in particular the transition from school to work, in accordance with the target descriptions
Four development tasks in particular were identified:
- The integration of general and vocational education to improve career orientation and training maturity (preventive approach)
- A reliable advisory structure that enables continuous and individual process support in the transition from school to work
- A company-oriented introduction to training that brings young people and companies together as partners
- Forms of supported and possibly subsidized training as a follow-up perspective for severely disadvantaged people.