
Special offers for female founders

Do you want to become your own boss? Then you're in good company - and in good hands withGründerinnen-Consult. More and more women are successfully setting up their own businesses.
Gründerinnen-Consultprovides you with comprehensive services to help you develop, plan and successfully implement your business ideas. With a strong network and qualified consultants, we accompany you on the path to economic and personal success!

Women entrepreneurs' congress 2024 - save the date - 16.11.2024

Be there when the Lower Saxony Women Entrepreneurs' Congress 2024 offers exciting opportunities for networking and business development under the motto "Business Synergies - Financial Success through Networking". Through targeted exchange with experts and female entrepreneurs, you can discover new business opportunities and strengthen your company in the long term. Visit us on November 16, 2024 at Sparkasse Hannover and actively shape your future!

You will find moreinformation here shortly:

EMPOWER WOMEN start-up consultancy

Whether agriculture, HR, communication, medicine, banking or education: All major industries are currently being enriched by innovative start-ups. Developments in recent years prove that youngcompanies can change the world.Female founders are particularlyon the rise. Although only just under one in five start-ups are currently founded by women, they have been a resounding success: on average,female-led start-ups generate 40 percent more profit than their male counterparts.With ourFemaleEmpowermentconsulting service,women with start-up ambitionshavethe chance to get their own start-up, their own company off the ground in a sustainable way!

Project funding: The projects are financed by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF+), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the State of Lower Saxony program area Stronger Developed Regions (SER); funding period 2021-2027 as part of the RIKA state program (Promotion of Regional Initiatives and Cooperation for Women in the Labor Market - Start-ups and Model Projects) from funds of the State of Lower Saxony, the State Capital of Hanover and hannoverimpuls GmbH.

We help you get off to the right start

We provide bilingual, gender-sensitive and individual advice, support with viability checks for start-up grant applications, offer tailored coaching and much more. In our digitalworkshop, we make you fit in all questions relating to digitalization - and in our sustainablesuccess teams, weprovideyouwithother female founders.Get started with us now


Investing in start-ups run by women pays off! We want to show this together with you. We bring investors and female startups together at networkingevents, have developed agender and diversityguideforinvestors and have createdTechSHE, a network for women who have a say in digitalization, technology and science. Join us, let's create more visibility together.Click here for the project

FemNet - Networking for and by female founders

How can female entrepreneurs use sustainability as an opportunity for themselves and reshape the economic system? Together! Female founders meet to exchange ideas and learn from each other at the Founders' Days, the Lower SaxonyWomen Entrepreneurs' Congress andthe multiplier networks.
Be part of it!Click here for the project

Succession is female! - Interview with Thomas Löhr, Hanover Region Economic Development Agency

Succession is female!

On the national day of action of the nationwide agency for female founders (bga) on business succession by women on21 June, stakeholdersare offeringevents throughout Germany under the motto "Succession is female!"to promote the topic. Gründerinnen-Consult is the regional head of the bga - and pursues a holistic and target group-specific approach within hannoverimpuls' start-up support program in order to provide women with targeted support on their path to self-employment. The hannoverimpuls start-up department cooperates with the Hannover Region Economic Development Agency in the area of business succession. An interview with ThomasLöhr from the Hannover Region's business advisory service.

Thomas Löhr, handing over a family business to the next generation or selling the company is a challenge for everyone involved. How can we imagine the cooperation between hannoverimpuls - or, in the case of succession for women, Gründerinnen-Consult - and the Hannover Region at this point?

The collaboration is great! I was on the hannoverimpuls team myself for a long time and know most of the players personally, so we work really well hand in hand. We from the region look after the existing companies, while hannoverimpuls - and Gründerinnen-Consult in the case of women - take care of start-ups, expert opinions for start-up grants and other things. We approach the topic of company succession from the perspective of the "transferor", so to speak, which is why we provide the support.

What is the ratio of women to men in business succession?

Women have found their place in company management, are becoming more self-confident and increasingly have the confidence to do so. There are still more men in the succession process, but in the past two years, for example, I have advised around 40 women on potential business succession, 19 of whom have actually taken over the business. This rate is significantly better than that of men. Women have generally already given a lot of thought when they come to us for advice and are well prepared. Overall, they are more likely to make use of our advisory services.

Taking over a company as a successor or starting a new business - what do you recommend to women who want to launch their business idea on the market?

For me, a company succession is clearly the better foundation if a company is found that fits the bill. You then already have business premises, qualified employees and an established company. That's why I definitely recommend sounding out the market and looking into the topic of succession if you are interested in starting a business. As a region, we operate the portal, the succession database of the Hanover and Hildesheim regions, with partners, for example, and there are also nationwide company exchanges such as

Further information on the National Day of Action for "Business Succession by Women" can befound here:

The starting position on the market is really good for those who want to take over. At this point, I like to say to existing companies: "Only those who understand that the deal that comes about must be the best possible alternative for those who want to start their own business will be able to make a deal." If we know the needs of a female founder, we are also happy to contact potential companies directly to see if they are interested in a successor. We support a wide range of takeovers: from online retail and HR development to trades and logistics, we cover everything.

In your experience, how long does a company succession handover process take?

After getting to know each other, interested parties should expect an average handover period of around nine months.

What special features or specifics might there be for women in business succession?

I no longer see any special challenges or other approaches in my advice, because fortunately it is already very natural on an individual level. For example, I ask everyone who comes to me for advice whether their partner will support and contribute to their start-up project - this is just as natural for women as it is for men. However, studies in the start-up sector clearly show that women are structurally and systematically disadvantaged when it comes to issues such as lending, investor volume and valuation. There is still a need for research in the area of company succession. A potential succession should therefore always be well prepared in good time so that all needs can be optimally taken into account - and a life's work can be continued in such a way that everyone involved feels comfortable with it.

Female founders often focus on more fairness, environmental protection and qualitative growth when setting up their business. In the following video, we show how we support them in integrating social and ecological criteria into their business model.

Graphic recording by Sabine Waltle-Müller, WALTLEdesign; filming and editing by Ghazaleh Ghazanfari.

Please click to load the video from YouTube. Personal data may be transferred to the provider.

Contact us

Team Assistance Start-up and Entrepreneurship Project Gründerinnen Consult
Susanne Kabisch
Team Assistance Start-up and Entrepreneurship Project Gründerinnen Consult
hannoverimpuls GmbH

EventsOpenevent finder


Meeting point foundation - women only

Series of events/ Date 10 of 16
Are you at the beginning of planning your start-up, do you have questions and would like to exchange ideas with other female founders?

18.09.2024 from 10:00 to 12:00

Meeting point for start-ups - women only

Series of events/ date 11 of 16
Are you at the beginning of planning your start-up, do you have questions and would like to exchange ideas with other female founders?

02.10.2024 from 10:00 to 12:00

Meeting point for start-ups - women only

Series of events/ date 12 of 16
Are you at the beginning of planning your start-up, do you have questions and would like to exchange ideas with other female founders?

16.10.2024 from 10:00 to 12:00

Meeting point foundation - women only

Series of events/ date 13 of 16
Are you at the beginning of planning your start-up, do you have questions and would like to exchange ideas with other female founders?

30.10.2024 from 10:00 to 12:00
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