German-Indian Business Center
The Indian economy has a lot to offer. The IT sector, biotech industries and mechanical engineering in particular are growing rapidly and sustainably.

Around 260,000 Indian engineers complete their university education every year - know-how from the Far East that is in demand worldwide and also has a future in the Hannover Region.
The German-Indian Business Center (GIBC) helps Indian companies to realize business ideas and supports them in setting up in the Hannover Region. The aim is to utilize the IT know-how of Indian companies for the Hanover region. Initiated in early 2006 by the Lower SaxonyMinistry of Economics, Labor and Transport andhannoverimpuls, the GIBC is already an established platform for the development and expansion of long-term economic partnerships.
Since CeBIT 2007, GIBC has been cooperating with India's largest electronics and IT trade promotion organization, the Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC).
The German-Indian Business Center offers:
Assistance with public administration approval proceduresFinancingMarketingHuman resources managementLegal and tax adviceSupport in day-to-day business operations (translations etc.)Procurement of office and commercial space
Partners of the German-Indian Business Center:
hannoverimpuls GmbH, Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics, Labor and Transport, Hannover IT e.V., Sparkasse Hannover, Herfurth & Partner, IHK Hannover, Deutsche Messe AG, NGlobal, consulting team höltgen GmbH, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Nord/LB, Technologie-Centrum Hannover GmbH, Unternehmerbüro Region Hannover, Logistikinitiative Niedersachsen, plusform Culture + Language
Your direct contact:
German-Indian Business Center
c/o hannoverimpuls GmbH
Peter Eisenschmidt
Vahrenwalder Street 7
30165 Hanover
Phone: +49 (0)511 300 333-37
Further information
Contact us
Peter Eisenschmidt