Contact us

Training companion in the digital transformation
We are regioLab+ - the coordination center for in-company training in the Hannover Region. As your training companionin the digital transformation, wepursuethe goal of making your company fit for change in the long term. We show you in a very practical way how you can use simple methods to analyze optimization opportunities in your company so that you stay on course for success and how corporatetrainingcan supportyouin this.
We also bring you together with other companies in the same sector so that you can exchange ideas at eye level, network and learn with and from each other.
youwould like to drive forwardyour in-companytrainingbut do not know where to start
you are looking for an exchangewith other companies inthe Hannover Region on existing challenges in the area of qualification / company training
You are an SME from the manufacturingindustry / skilled trades in theHannover Region
Are active in the healthcareindustry
You would like totake advantage offreeoffers for in-company further training
Would like to receive information on fundingopportunities in the area of in-company training