Company service

Providing solutions for growth and innovation - advice and practical support.

Company database

With the company database, hannoverimpuls bundles the potential and expertise of companies. This business platform is therefore the...Continue here:

Trade fair support

Successful trade fair presence with hannoverimpuls - growth impulses for small and medium-sized companies from the Hanover region:

Funding and financing

The more innovative a company is, the more stable and profitable it can be. However, innovation requires strategic action,...Read more:

Cooperation and networks

Joining forces and realizing benefits for and in the Hannover Region through cooperation - that is the motivation behind...

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From start-ups to established companies, hannoverimpuls offers comprehensive support for the expansion of business activities into international markets and helps companies from abroad to settle in Hannover.

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We offer companies comprehensive support in expanding their business activities in Germany and abroad. ProMAP, GeMS and Plug & Work cover all important phases - from market analysis and strategic planning to the first steps of operational implementation and the establishment of a physical presence in the target market:

Office and workspaces

hannoverimpuls offers startups and companies office, laboratory and office space in three modern centers with different industry orientations:

Facts, figures and data

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