Local economy
State capital HanoverNetwork meeting for location communities 2021
Lectures by kreHtiv and NBank in February

This year, for the first time, the event did not take place in the Mosaic Hall of the New Town Hall. Due to the current contact restrictions, the participants met for a video conference.
After the welcome address by the First City Councillor and Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs of the City of Hanover, Ms. Sabine Tegtmeyer-Dette, there were two keynote speeches.
First, Ms. Christine Preitauer and Ms. Antonia Bode from kreHtiv Netzwerk Hannover e.V. presented the "Fund for Digital 2021".
Mr. Martin Bartölke, Head of Consulting at NBank, then explained the "Subsidies for small and medium-sized enterprises".
Contact us
State capital Hanover
Frank Döpke
Department of Economics - Economic Development