The new application round starts on 01.03.2025

Diversity is a location factor that is decisive for competitiveness in regions and companies, both today and in the future.

Organizing cooperation and supporting the different needs and starting situations of people in companies is a matter of course and necessary for many companies. Appreciation for others is promoted, practiced and further developed through many small and large measures.

Whether knowledge transfer between generations, flexible working hours and locations for carers or caregivers, barrier-free IT solutions, specific requirements in other markets, etc. - There are many good examples of how companies are meeting the current challenges of skills shortages, demographic developments and crises, among other things.

We are on the lookout for these good examples and want to give them even more visibility and support this valuable work financially!

With the FUTURE NEEDS DIVERSITY Award , the Hannover Region honors companies that pay particular attention to the diversity - i.e. age, ethnic origin & nationality, gender & gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion & ideology, sexual orientation and social background - of their employees and thus shape the Hannover Region as a business location.

Companies can apply for the following three categories:

  • "Role model" : exemplary measures relating to diversity have been implemented in the company, the award winners should be an encouragement for other companies - many small measures that can be easily adopted by other companies can also be helpful here.
  • "Intersectional" : this category pays particular attention to the broad participation of people from different diversity dimensions in the development and establishment process of diversity measures.
  • "Transformation" : the diversity reference is integrated into the transformation process.

Each award is endowed with €5,000. The new application round starts on 01.03.2025. The application deadline is 01.06.2025. You will find the application form here from 01.03.2025.

Companies with up to 499 employees based or operating in the Hannover Region are eligible to apply. Companies that received an award last year are not eligible for another award. Companies represented on the jury are excluded from receiving an award.

Impressions from the FUTURE needs DIVERSITY Award ceremony 2024

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Hanover Region
Project management & operational consulting
Melanie Albrecht
Project management & operational consulting
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
Hanover Region
Project management & operational consulting
Finja Hartwig
Project management & operational consulting
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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