Successful conflict resolution: strategies and assistance for SMEs

In cooperation with the Bundesverband Mediation in Wirtschaft und Arbeitswelt e.V.
  • Conflict management takes time, effort and emotion.
  • Conflicts can disrupt day-to-day business and cooperation within the company.
  • Conflicts can be unpleasant and ignoring them is the easiest way.

In today's rapidly changing world, turbulent times are omnipresent for companies. Conflicts within and between companies and with institutions often lead to frustration and uncertainty. These negative influences significantly affect the performance of the workforce, which can also lead to resignations.

The resulting employee turnover causes immense costs, running into billions, and considerably reduces Germany's economic strength.

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In response to this development, the Hannover Region Employment Promotion Agency is offering a new service - a series of workshops on conflict resolution for SMEs. The service is offered in cooperation with the Federal Association for Mediation in Business and the World of Work(BMWA).

The offer trains HR managers in regional companies in their conflict resolution skills, strengthens their ability to resolve conflicts in their own company and sensitizes them to working with mediators.if necessary, they can be referred to a pool of certified mediators who are members of the BMWA, among others.

  • Is external support for conflict resolution a failure at management level? No!
  • Do conflicts always have to be resolved independently? Not always!

Conflicts can quickly arise in the work context. Addressing these and resolving them together - whether independently or with support - promotes a stable corporate culture and has a positive effect on employer attractiveness.

Conflicts must be resolved constructively so that employees can concentrate on their work and work processes can run smoothly. In times of high demand for skilled workers, increasing employee performance and a positive working atmosphere are essential. This can be achieved through joint conflict resolution, among other things.

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The workshop series "Successful conflict resolution: strategies and support for SMEs" is divided into four modules that build on each other thematically. Each session comprises a fixed group of max. 12 participants and lasts 4 hours per session.

All modules are conducted by experienced mediators.

Participation is free of charge.

The appointments always take place from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm:

  • Monday, 21.10.2024
  • Wednesday, 30.10.2024
  • Monday, 25.11.2024
  • Thursday, 05.12.2024

Venue of the event: Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung, Vahrenwalder Str.7 in 30165 Hannover (Room 314)

Module 1: Conflict development and handling: added value for companies

  • Definition and emergence of conflicts (including feelings, needs and motives)
  • Internal costs and their effects (e.g. relief, safety, image)
  • Conflict costs
  • Conflict management as a task for managers and internal managers

2nd module: Conflict communication in the company

  • Conflict patterns and styles
  • Dynamics and escalation of conflicts
  • Forms of communication and conducting discussions in conflicts

3rd module: Dealing with conflicts and mediation as part of employer attractiveness

  • The basics of mediation
  • Role and tasks of HR managers in conflict management
  • Reflection on your own conflict behavior
  • Cooperation with external mediators

4th module: Internal conflict management

  • Conflict management and mediation as part of the organizational structure and culture
  • Steps and processes of conflict management (e.g. what is allowed and what is not?)
  • Structure and procedure of conflict discussions and conflict prevention
  • What support is available from associations and chambers?

The topics are conveyed in a practice-oriented manner and put into practice.

Our target group: HR managers in SMEs in the Hanover region (cross-industry), max. 2 people per company.
Our offer: A permanent service on the topic of "conflict competence" and a network of certified mediators.
Our claim:Providing a "toolbox" for seeing, addressing and resolving conflicts, enabling people to reflect on their own attitude, raising awareness and adding value to the topic of mediation.
Our focus: To train your own conflict skills and (preventively) raise awareness of conflicts.

Important: Neither the sale of services by mediators nor conflict resolution with employees within the workshop series can be offered as part of the service.

The aim of the association is to establish mediation as an alternative to legal disputes in companies, organizations and administrations. Internal conflict resolution and conflict prevention are also part of the services offered by the members of the BMWA. The members of the BMWA mainly come from legal, psychological, social and economic professions and are specialists in conflict resolution, especially in economic and organizational contexts.Find out more about the associationhere.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Project coordination
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

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How can we successfully meet current challenges such as preventing customer churn, acquiring new customers, successful cross-selling and dynaxity?

25.09.2024 from 09:00 to 13:00
House of Economic Development, Vahrenwalder Straße 7, 30165 Hanover
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