Change Dinner and Lunch

The "FUTURE NEEDS DIVERSITY" initiative aims to encourage companies to take a closer look at diversity in companies. Companies, science and business development come together to discuss challenges, opportunities and visions for the future - and to implement them.
Das erste Change Dinner am 09.03.2023Hanover Region

A look back at past events:

Change Dinner - launch of the initiative FUTURE needs DIVERSITY, 09.03.2023

Change Dinner vom 09.03.2023Hanover Region

This classic network meeting kicked off on 09.03.2023 with the "Change Dinner" - a network meeting with a special feature: each manager was accompanied by a junior manager of a different gender.

The evening was accompanied by two keynote speeches. The 40 or so participants had the opportunity to discuss the topics of diversity and inclusion in the company and to network in a relaxed atmosphere.

The composition of the tables was specifically designed to break down inhibitions and hierarchies and highlight different perspectives. PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH was a partner of the event.

Change Lunch - Diversity dimension "Ethnic origin & nationality", 07.02.2024

Change Lunch vom 07.02.2024Hanover Region

The second event took place on 07.02.2024 in the form of a Change Lunch. This time, the focus was on the diversity dimension "Ethnic origin & nationality".

In a cosy atmosphere and well catered for by Küfa- Küche für alle,companiescametogether to talk, exchange experiences and challenges and report on how the integration of employees from different backgrounds can be organized and anchored in the corporate culture.

The exchange was extended by a keynote speech from the Welcome Center on the integration of foreign workers and the Skilled Immigration Act.

Change Lunch - Diversity dimension "Social background", 27.08.2024

Change Lunch vom 27.08.2024 Hanover Region

The keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Annika Schach from Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts focused on how companies can incorporate the opportunities offered by different employee backgrounds, reduce discrimination and write their own promotion stories. Afterwards, the participants discussed experiences from their institutions and companies over a delicious lunch, which was brought to us by the event and catering team of Juniver- Jugenderufshilfe Diakonie Hannover gGmbH .

Change Dinner - Democracy and diversity, 03.12.2024

Change Dinner vom 03.12.2024

At the Change Dinner, which this time took place in cooperation with Unternehmerverbände Niedersachsen e.V. (UVN) , we addressed the questions of how we can actively promote democracy in the context of diversity and how companies can take on concrete responsibility. The impulses provided by the Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (Society for Civil Liberties ) and Project Together , which pointed out current threats to our democracy and showed concrete and exciting examples of how companies are already actively committed to democracy and diversity, taking responsibility and thus demonstrating it, were enriching and thought-provoking.

A very brief conclusion: "Change is possible!"

"The Change Dinner shows what we want: to work together with companies to further develop the business location and address social issues. Successful companies are also diversifying at management level. And that doesn't happen on its own, it requires awareness and a strategy. We want to support them in this."
Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs

The next Change Dinner is already being planned. We look forward to your participation!

The new registration link will appear here soon!

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Hanover Region
Project management & operational consulting
Melanie Albrecht
Project management & operational consulting
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
Hanover Region
Project management & operational consulting
Finja Hartwig
Project management & operational consulting
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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