
In the ThinkTank, regional companies meet regularly to exchange ideas in cooperation with the Hannover Region Economic Development Agency.

The cooperation in the Think Tank creates space for exchange for organizations that are committed to diversity. At the same time, the Think Tank can provide input to the Economic Development Agency on desired support measures to be offered within the Hannover Region in order to further strengthen diversity. The Think Tank is made up of researchers, companies and start-ups from the Hannover Region and exchanges ideas in regular meetings. The meetings take place on a quarterly basis.

Please contact us if you are interested in participating!

The following are currently involved in the think tank:

Annelies Bruhne, Economics Officer, Hanover Regional Church

Annelies Bruhne

"The church and diversity: in terms of its self-image and message, there is hardly anyone who advocates diversity as unconditionally as the church. As an organization, however, we have the same weaknesses as others. We only reach all milieus to a limited extent, PoC are rare among us as employees, and not everything shines in the other dimensions either. I want to do my part to ensure that the church itself lives what we want for society and I am happy to benefit from others and their experiences here in the network."

The following dimensions are particularly relevant in the work:

Age, gender, social diversity

Ermana Nurkovic, Transformation Office, Hannover Region


"Society is diversity. Making this diversity visible is everyone's task. In the current transformation process in particular, it is immensely important that diversity is taken into account and that a particular focus is placed on equality and participation. If we want to shape a transformation process that does justice to our society in 2024, it will only work with diversity as a foundation."

The following dimensions are particularly relevant in the work:

Gender & equality, participation, social background

Prof. Dr. Johann Nils Foege, Chair of Innovation Management, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Hanover

Faculty of Economics and Management Hanover

"The aim of the Chair of Innovation Management is to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainable action by creating an appreciative environment for diversity and community in order to contribute to the innovation ecosystem of the Hannover Region."

The following dimensions are particularly relevant in the work:

Age diversity, gender diversity, interdisciplinarity, cultural and linguistic diversity

Heide Grimmelmann-Heimburg, Head of Department Health and Care Policy, Sustainability at Unternehmerverbände Niedersachsen

Heide Grimmelmann-Heimburg

"Diversity is not a luxury, but a key driver of innovation and growth in the economy. As business associations, we recognize the transformative power of diversity. In an increasingly globalized and digitalized world, it is essential that companies promote and incorporate different perspectives, backgrounds and skills. After all, only through diversity of thought, experience and talent can we successfully tackle the challenges of the future. Our economy needs diversity to be innovative, flexible and fit for the future."

The following dimensions are particularly relevant in the work:

Interdisciplinarity, age diversity, gender diversity, cultural and linguistic diversity

Lukas Dotzauer, Deputy Managing Director, kreHtiv Netzwerk Hannover e.V.

© Lukas Dotzauer

"Diversity alone does not bring benefits. We need to initiate processes to unleash this diversity and empower people to learn together what a truly diverse society can look like."

The following dimensions are particularly relevant in the work:

Our project is specifically designed to be intersectional or holistic, so that all dimensions and their connections are crucial. For me as a person, it would be the topic of sexual orientation.

Mahnaz Soltani

© Mahnaz Soltani

"For me, diversity means getting closer to the truth of life. Because if we are honest, we know that the world is so complex that we can only understand it if we make assumptions and simplifications to make it accessible to us, our level of knowledge and our perspective. Therefore, diversity first creates an expanded view, which can be the basis for a more complete world view."

The following dimensions are particularly relevant in the work:

Gender, cultural, linguistic, subject, social and age diversity

Sarah Lay, Digital Transformation, HDI Global SE

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