The "training breakfasts" offer trainers and experts from companies the opportunity to obtain information on the topic of training directly and unbureaucratically.
Training breakfast trade fair
What is a "training breakfast"?

As part of a joint breakfast, external experts or employees of the Hannover Region give short keynote speeches on current topics such as

  • Funding opportunities
  • Student internships and school projects
  • Joint training / exam preparation
  • Applicant search and selection strategies

In addition to the specific input from the speakers, the focus is on professional exchange on all topics that concern you in your day-to-day business operations.

Are you interested? Then please contact us directly.

AusbildungsfrühstückHanover Region
Training breakfast

Framework data for the training breakfasts


The "training breakfasts" take place at regular intervals and last 1 to 1.5 hours.

Who is the breakfast aimed at?

All trainers from the companies providing training and those interested in training in the respective municipalities are invited to the "training breakfasts".

How does a "training breakfast" work?

  • Venue and catering will be organized according to requirements and possibilities (e.g. hotel, community centre, company, canteen, etc.).
  • Organization, support and moderation by the Hannover Region in cooperation with the respective municipality
  • Welcome and brief introduction of the guests
  • Casual breakfast together
  • 1 - 2 keynote speeches of maximum 10 minutes in length
  • Opportunity to exchange experiences
  • Possibility of advice from the Hannover Region Economic Development Agency and the municipal economic development agency

The next dates of the training breakfasts

29.08.2024 - Holtzmann & Sohn GmbH in Ronnenberg

Location: Holtzmann & Sohn GmbH, Lange Str. 19, 30952 Ronnenberg

Time: 9:00 am to approx. 10:30 am


Please register via the registration form for the trainers' breakfastby
15.08.2024or please let us know the reason why you are unable to attend.
is not possible. Please send your registration to Ms. Selcan Gelmis at the following e-mail address
Selcan.Gelmis@ronnenberg.deoderby post to the address Hansastraße 38, 30952

Contact us

Hanover Region
Training management
Jürgen Hansen
Training management
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
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