Foundation and entrepreneurship

We offer the right answers to (almost) all questions when it comes to self-employment and your own start-up. The central point of contact is hannoverimpuls' Start-up and Entrepreneurship department, which designs and offers event formats in addition to seminars and advice.
Привет! Привіт! Hello!

Ви новачок у Ганновері і хочете відкрити власний бізнес? Бажаєте створити компанію (FOP, TOV/OOO) у Ганновері? Тоді ми зможемо вам допомогти. Розмовляємо німецькою, англійською та російською мовами. Напишіть нам електронного листа, щоб отримати безкоштовнну консультацію:

Вы недавно живёте в Ганновере и хотите начать свой собственный бизнес? Вы хотите зарегистрировать компанию (ФОП, ТОВ/ООО) в Ганновере? Тогда мы сможем вам помочь. Мы говорим на немецком, английском и русском языках. Для бесплатной консультации напишите нам на

Are you new to Hanover and want to start your own business? Would you like to set up a company (FOP, TOV/OOO) in Hanover? Then we can help you. We speak German, English and Russian. Write us an email for a free

Are you new in Hanover and want to start your own business? Would you like to set up a company (FOP, TOV/OOO) in Hanover? Then we can help you. We speak German, English and Russian. Write us an email for a free consultation:

Special advisory services for women on their way to becoming entrepreneurs, for people with a migration background and on the topics of office and work space and innovation financing expand the range of services offered by hannoverimpuls on the topic of start-ups and entrepreneurship.

#inquired: How do I found a company?

Start-up and Entrepreneurship Team
Phone: 0511 - 9357 -700

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