Digital Business Hannover: Municipalities

DIGITAL BUSINESS HANNOVER: KOMMUNEN is a powerful network of companies and municipal business development agencies on digitalization topics. This is a central component of the digitization strategy of the region's business development
of the region is being implemented and consolidated

The municipalities of the Hannover Region have joined forces to bring companies up to date on important digital topics. The events are based on the "Digital Business Hannover Kommunen" series and are supported and promoted by the Hannover Region's Economic and Employment Promotion Agency.

  • Managers and decision-makers expand their skills to realistically assess new digital technologies and adapt them to the needs of the company. In particular, low-threshold opportunities for digitalization in the area of a company's public image are quickly put into practice.
  • Investment decisions regarding innovative digital technologies are better prepared and made.
  • Regional network structures are being expanded through a digital community, and the Hannover Region as a whole is being further developed as a future-oriented technology location.
  • Cooperation between the regional business development agencies and the Hannover Region will be strengthened and further projects and formats will be developed jointly.

The first information event in Neustadt a. Rbge. on the topic of "AI - understanding technology, assessing opportunities and risks" was very well received. Speaker Peter Leppelt explained the context of AI, highlighted the difference between "strong" and "weak" AI and identified areas of application, weaknesses and pitfalls.

The topic in Wunstorf was "Google Business Profiles". Sven Deutschländer presented tips and tricks for optimizing the company entry. The network exchange between the companies from all participating municipalities and beyond showed the great relevance for the companies.

Next dates:

SEO (search engine optimization) on June 6, 2024 at 6:30 pm in Gehrden

Topic: SEO (search engine optimization)


6:30 p.m.
Welcome by Painter Losert, Mayor of Gehrden

18:40 - 19:30
Keynote speech by Krischan Kuberzig, Online Marketing Consulting
The battle for the best ranking on Google - How to increase your own visibility on the web

  • The relevance of search engine optimization (SEO) for websites
  • Keywords, link building & co.: Important aspects for a good ranking and better findability in the search results
  • Black hat vs. white hat SEO: which measures you should avoid

7:30 pm
Practical tips for your own SEO analysis and optimization of your website

Venue: Gehrden Town Hall, Kirchstraße 1-3, 30989 Gehrden

Registrations by27.05.2024

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Hanover Region
Business consulting for relocation and company succession
Heike Reupke
Business consulting for relocation and company succession
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion

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