Series of talks for companies to increase their attractiveness as an employer.

In order to increase their own attractiveness as an employer , companies need strategies and tools to position themselves as attractive employers on the labor market and win in the war for talent. Topics such as leadership and corporate culture, personnel development, work-life balance, diversity, equal opportunities and resilience are just a few of the many possibilities.

This page also promotes the networking character of the format outside of the four annual meetings. Below you will find the documentation of the content on the topics in the form of minutes with presentations, handouts and jointly developed results.

We are looking for regional companies to host the workshop series!

Join us in welcoming 20 to 30 HR managers from small and medium-sized regional companies to your premises - from production companies to care facilities, we look forward to working with you.
We need a large room with seating for plenary discussions and two to three small rooms for group work. Catering and material costs will be covered by the Hannover Region, Economic and Employment Promotion.If you are interested, please contact Dr. Mahzad Peschke directly.

Benefit from the advantages of expanding your network and drawing attention to yourself as an employer!


Since 2015, the Hannover Region Employment Promotion Agency has been offering the WERKSTATT ATTRAKTIVE ARBEITGEBER workshop series. This format is aimed exclusively at representatives of SMEs from the Hannover Region. Together with the participating HR managers and managing directors, our team of speakers will address the following questions, among others:

  • What makes an attractive employer?
  • What are the trend topics that will influence the labor market?
  • What future skills are required?

The series of events is aimed exclusively at companies, public institutions and individuals without consulting activities. Participation is free of charge .

Speakers Martina Baier and Ines Weidner from "DIE TRAINER Organisations- und Personalentwicklung GmbH" will guide you through the program.

"Personnel is the key issue for operational competitiveness. In the workshop series WERKSTATT ATTRAKTIVE ARBEITGEBER you will receive suggestions from practice for practice. Together we will explore the question: How can my company be perceived as an attractive employer in the Hanover region in order to retain existing employees in the long term and find new staff? -The workshop series gives companies the opportunity to network with each other in order to "learn with and from each other".

Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Department for Economic Affairs, Transport, Culture and Education

Workshop dates Attractive employers

What our brain has to do with unconscious thought patterns... - 11.03.2025

Date: 11.03.2025
Time: 14:00 to 17:00
Speaker: Martina Baier
Location: Gesellschaft für Dienste im Alter mbH (GDA) Waldhausen, Hildesheimer Straße 183, 30173 Hanover

In this workshop, we will shed light on how unconscious thought patterns and stereotypes influence our actions in the world of work. We will show what new opportunities arise for employee recruitment and retention when we become aware of these thought patterns. The focus here is on thought patterns about and of older employees - the findings are transferable to all target groups in the company.


  • Unconscious bias: the emergence of stereotypes and their influence on behavior and employer attractiveness
  • Practical approaches: Impulses for shaping an inclusive working environment that promotes diversity and utilizes the potential of all employees.

Rethinking leadership in challenging times - 06.05.2025

Date: 06.05.2025
Time: 14:00 to 17:00
Speaker: Ines Weidner
Location: heinekingmedia/, Hamburger Allee 2-4, 30161 Hannover in the Bredero high-rise building

In times of increasing uncertainty, complex changes and the pressure to make decisions quickly, new approaches to leadership are required. In this workshop, we will reflect together on current leadership challenges and work out together how managers can create stability and clarity. The focus is on promoting psychological security and relationships, even in times of change, as well as making targeted use of the strengths of different employees.


  • Leadership challenges: Analysis of current challenges
  • Creating stability and clarity: providing orientation in uncertain times
  • Promoting psychological safety and relationships: Methods to strengthen trust and collaboration
  • Using the strengths of employees: Approaches to promoting individual potential.

Designing a suitable working environment - individualization vs. standardization - 02.09.2025

Date: 02.09.2025
Time: 14:00 to 17:00

Speaker: Martina Baier
Location: DIAKOVERE Annastift Leben und Lernen gGmbH Vocational Training Center, An der Weidenkirche 10, 30539 Hanover

The reasons for greater diversity in teams lie partly in the shortage of skilled workers and partly in conscious decisions to increase creativity and problem-solving skills.

This diversity requires more individual approaches to workplace design, working time models and task assignments. The focus is often on additional offers rather than on adapting existing structures. When considering how to increase employer attractiveness, the focus of the discussion is too often on what companies can offer "on top" and not on how they can possibly adapt existing work structures.

In the workshop, we will use the example of inclusive workplaces to explore the scope of possibilities, question existing beliefs and sound out the limits of individualization.


  • Diversity in teams: identifying reasons and benefits
  • Questioning beliefs: Reflection and discussion about existing convictions
  • Inclusive workplaces: Best practices for designing them.
  • Limits of individualization: Balance between organizational requirements and the needs of employees.

The WE needs shared values in the company - 07.10.2025

Date: 07.10.2025
Time: 14:00 to 17:00
Speaker: Ines Weidner and Martina Baier
Location: KONE GmbH Zentrale - Aufzüge - Rolltreppen - Automatiktüren, Vahrenwalder Str. 317, 30179 Hannover

Formulating and publishing values is easy. However, living them in daily interaction is the real challenge that ultimately generates added value for employees and the organization. In this workshop, we will shed light on how corporate values can play a central role in increasing employer attractiveness, employee loyalty and cooperation within the organization. We will examine how values are created, what impact they can have in day-to-day interaction and which strategies are successful in shaping cultural change.


  • Experience reports: Introduction and change of corporate values
  • Cultural development: Impulses for the visualization of lived values
  • Reflection: Analysis of your own corporate culture in dealing with diversity.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

Below you will find the minutes of previous meetings of the WERKSTATT ATTRAKTIVE ARBEITGEBER:

Events on the topics of skilled workers and change management and workshop Attractive employers and employer attractiveness Open appointment finder

Success stories on the topics of skilled workers and change management and workshop Attractive employers and employer attractiveness Show all success stories

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