Series of talks for companies to increase their attractiveness as an employer.

To increasetheir own attractiveness as an employer, companies need strategiesand tools to position themselves as attractive employers on the labor market and win in the war for talent. Topics such as leadership and corporate culture, personnel development, work-life balance, diversity, equal opportunities and resilience are just a few of the many possibilities.

This page also promotes the networking character of the format outside of the four annual dates. Below you will find the documentationof the content onthe topics of the format:

  • Minutes withpresentations, handouts and jointly developed results
  • Explanatory videos onindividual topics: Summary of the results with impulses for new approaches - from company representatives and from the specialist literature


Since 2015, the Hannover Region Employment Promotion Agency has been offering the WERKSTATT ATTRAKTIVE ARBEITGEBER workshop series. This format is aimed exclusively at representatives of SMEs from the Hannover Region. Together with the participating HR managers and managing directors, our team of speakers will address the following questions, among others:

  • What makes an attractive employer?
  • What are the trend topics that will influence the labor market?
  • What future skills are needed?

The series of events is aimed exclusively at companies, public institutions and individuals without consulting activities. Participation is free of charge. Speakers Tanja Föhr and Paula Föhr from the FÖHR Agency for Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Cultures will guide you through the program(

"Personnel is the key issue for operational competitiveness. In the workshop seriesWERKSTATTATTRAKTIVE ARBEITGEBERyou willreceivesuggestions from practice for practice. Together we will explore the question: How can my company be perceived as an attractive employer in the Hanover region in order to retain existing employees in the long term and find new staff? -The workshop series gives companies the opportunity to network with each other in order to "learn with and from each other".

Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Department for Economic Affairs, Transport, Culture and Education

Dates of the Attractive Employers workshop

Radiate from within: Corporate culture as the foundation for employer attractiveness - 27.02.2024

© Tanja Föhr

First appointment on Tuesday, 27.02.2024,
2 to 5 p.m., Haus der Region, Hildesheimer Str. 18, Room N001:

In times of increasing competition for qualified specialists, it is crucial to be perceived as an attractive employer. A strong and positive corporate culture plays a key role in this. In our workshop, we will cover the following key topics:

Understanding and developing an attractive corporate culture: How do you define a corporate culture that both matches your company's values and is attractive to potential employees? What role can a corporate mission statement play in this? How can a mission statement be put into practice?

Best practices for strong employee retention: Learn from successful companies how they retain highly qualified employees in the long term through their culture.

Interactive elements and expert presentations:

The workshop will include interactive elements, including group discussions, case study analysis and practical exercises. You can also expect inspiring presentations from experts in the field of corporate culture and HR management.

Discover with us how you can use your corporate culture as the key to success in the competition for skilled workers.

Focus on integration: diversity as a precursor to corporate success - 29.05.2024

© Tanja Föhr

Second date on Wednesday, 29.05.2024,
2 to 5 p.m., Haus der Region, Hildesheimer Str. 18, N003

In a globalized world, integrating employees of different backgrounds, cultures and skills is more than just a social responsibility - it is a key to success. An inclusive working environment not only promotes employee satisfaction and retention, but can also contribute to attractiveness as an employer. Our workshop will focus on the following topics:

  1. Opportunities of integration: Find out how diversity and integration can contribute to innovation, creativity and ultimately to the economic success of your company.
  2. Integration as a corporate task: Discuss the challenges and solutions for implementing successful integration in your company.
  3. Attractive employer through diversity: Understand how a practiced culture of integration contributes to the recruitment and retention of specialists.
  4. Practical implementation: Gain insights into best practices and develop strategies for the successful implementation of integration measures in your company.

Interactive workshops and expert input:

The workshop offers a mixture of interactive elements, discussion rounds and specialist presentations. Benefit from the exchange with experts and other participants and gain valuable insights for your practice.

Human-centered change management: successfully integrating AI processes - 11.09.2024

© Tanja Föhr

Third date on Wednesday, 11.09.2024,
2 to 5 p.m., Haus der Region, Hildesheimer Str. 18, N003:

In this workshop, we will focus on practical approaches and strategies to make AI-based innovations human-centered and successful. Highlights of the workshop include:

  1. Basics of artificial intelligence and practical application: Introduction to the basics of AI, presentation of the digital learning platform KI.WI and insight into practical examples of AI projects from various industries.
  2. Discover your own AI application potential: Reflect on your day-to-day work and discover AI potential.
  3. Fundamentals of change management: A deeper understanding of the theories and models that underpin effective change management.
  4. "My Perfect Day": Develop future scenarios of what change could look like in your company. In cooperation with an AI tool, you will develop a presentation on your results in a creative process.

Fit for the future: health literacy in everyday working life - 06.11.2024

© Tanja Föhr

Fourth appointment on Wednesday, 06.11.2024,
2 to 5 p.m., Haus der Region, Hildesheimer Str. 18, N003:

Employee health is a key element of an attractive and sustainable corporate culture. In this workshop, we will focus on the importance of physical and mental health in the workplace and how a healthy working environment can help increase employee satisfaction and retention. The focus of the workshop will include:

  1. Promoting health in the workplace: Find out how you can create a health-promoting working environment and thus contribute to your attractiveness as an employer.
  2. Mental health and wellbeing: Understand the importance of mental health to job performance and learn strategies to promote the mental wellbeing of your employees.
  3. Dealing with conflict: Learn how to effectively manage conflict in the workplace and how this contributes to the mental health of the workforce.
  4. Practical implementation: Develop concrete measures and strategies to promote health in your company.

Interactive sessions and expert input:

The workshop offers a mixture of interactive discussions, case studies and presentations by experts in the field of workplace health promotion and conflict management.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

Below you will find the minutes of previous meetings of the WERKSTATT ATTRAKTIVE ARBEITGEBER:

Events on the topics of skilled workers and change management and the Attractive Employer and Employer AttractivenessWorkshopOpenappointment finder

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