Two award-winning specialist companies become one

Two award-winning specialist companies become one: Mike Schleupner (Farbcompany) and Klaus Stuckert (Stuckert Stuck)
Zwei preisgekrönte Fachbetriebe werden eins Mike Schleupner (Farbcompany, links) und Klaus Stuckert (Stuckert Stuck, rechts)
Two award-winning specialist companies become one Mike Schleupner (Farbcompany, left) and Klaus Stuckert (Stuckert Stuck, right)

The lovingly renovated walls of the listed hall in the Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung are a flagship of Klaus Stuckert's company. It is also worth taking a look behind the façade, as the company links its own success story with business development.

There are only a few plasterers in the Hanover region. The profession is a rare craft at the interface between art, architecture and craftsmanship. It is a real stroke of luck thatKlaus Stuckert'sstucco businessinHanover has been able to survive by merging withMike Schleupner's"Farbcompany". Not only for the Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung, one of the first joint projects between the two.

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Initiating and carefully supporting the cooperation between the two specialist companies - with the aim of merging them - was the task that Thomas Löhr from Corporate Services set himself. "It took almost three years for the collaboration to be established," he reports. From the initial matching and getting to know each other, a mutual appreciation developed between the graduate color designer (FH) Schleupner and the master plasterer Stuckert. This was followed by concrete negotiations about a cooperation, right through to the financing process for the start.

The merger of the two companies has now been completed; Mike Schleupner from Farbcompany ("Painter of the Year 2021") has joined the management team at Stuckert Stuck ("Stuccoer of the Year"). Both entrepreneurs are united by the conviction that their comprehensive range of products is based on sustainable and natural building materials - and to meet the expectations of a discerning clientele for good craftsmanship.

The network, in which the Economic Development Agency is involved, has set itself the task of supporting regional company succession, including through the free online portal In addition to the region, cooperation partners include the Chamber of Crafts, Sparkasse and Volksbank.

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