ZukunftINC e.V.

ZUKUNFTINC. initiative, marktführer. hannover e.V. is an association of traditional companies and hidden champions, all of which have their headquarters in the Hanover region.
The network uses synergies to retain qualified young talent and skilled workers in its own companies and thus in the Hannover Region.
One of the aims of ZUKUNFTINC. is to recruit qualified applicants. The joint measures offer school pupils, students and skilled workers with various educational qualifications career prospects in the Hannover Region as a business location, with all the opportunities of an international market leader network.
ZUKUNFTINC. is a network of diverse career opportunities.
The Hannover Region has established itself as an innovative and attractive business location - also with the support of the member companies of ZUKUNFTINC.
The Hannover Region and the Allgemeine Arbeitgebervereinigung Hannover und Umgebung e.V. (AGV) are the strategic partners of the network.
- Arnold Jäger Holding GmbH
- Hacon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
- Hanno Werk GmbH & Co KG
- Heise Group GmbH & Co. KG
- Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke GmbH
- ibk IngenieurConsult GmbH
- Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co KG
- Viscom AG
- VSM Vereinigte Schmirgel- und Maschinen-Fabriken AG
- WAGNER Group GmbH
All companies are headquartered in the Hanover region.
Contact us
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion