Expansion of the technology center in the Marienwerder Science Park

The extension with a total area of 4,400 m² (2,750 m² main usable area) is being funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the funding principles for the granting of subsidies to promote the construction, expansion and modernization of technology and start-up centers.

With the extension, the potential of the Mechanical Engineering Campus in Garbsen, which was completed at the beginning of 2020, for start-ups from universities, technical start-ups, in cooperation with the Laser Center Hannover, the IPH - Institute for Integrated Production and many technology-oriented companies in the Science and Technology Park Hannover-Marienwerder (WTH) will be fully developed.

The expansion of the TECHNOLOGY CENTER fits seamlessly into the overall strategic concept for technology and start-up promotion activities in the Hannover Region. Networking, knowledge and technology transfer, as well as cooperation between existing companies in the WTH and scientific institutions within a radius of around 1 km will be further improved. Thanks to the extension, the enlarged technology and start-up center in Hannover-Marienwerder will provide young companies with a wide range of central services in addition to pure office space (77%), workstations and laboratory space (23%). The consulting portfolio of hannoverimpuls GmbH offers young companies the best opportunities for qualified and sustainable business development.

hannoverimpuls GmbH currently operates

HALLE96 - primarily for companies in the creative industries, theHannover Women's Entrepreneurship Center (UZ Hannover GmbH) and the TECHNOLOGYCENTER in the Science Parkfor mostly innovative technology-oriented companies

After its planned completion on 30.09.2022, the extension will be available for tenants. Young companies interested in the location and our services should get in touch with hannoverimpuls at an early stage.

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