"We work with the vehicle and supplier industry to develop solutions for sustainable mobility!"

neu/wagen is the network forthe development of individual transformation strategies for companies in the vehicle and supplier industry in theHanover/Hildesheim region.

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"The automotive industry is currently undergoing a process of transformation: to new technologies, new business models and new qualifications. We want to support companies in implementing all relevant trends and have brought together a network of strong partners for this purpose. I am delighted that, in addition to good contacts, we can also provide the companies with a great deal of expertise and specialist input - this shows how much innovative strength Hannover has to offer as a location."
Steffen Krach, Regional President
"Mobile applications with climate-neutral energy sources, the use of components based on a circular economy, ecologically and socially sustainable production, hybrid business models through intelligent systems: These are the challenges of tomorrow in the automotive industry, for which we are already developing smart solutions at the site today. The companies concerned are faced with the task of taking their employees with them on the path to the future of the automotive industry through suitable training and further education measures."
Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs, Hannover Region
"As a research-intensive university, Leibniz University Hannover is active in the field of research into algorithms and architectures for highly automated driving, among other things, and it traditionally maintains a close exchange between science and industry. Leibniz Universität Hannover therefore sees the "neu/wagen" project as an ideal platform to further strengthen this interaction between basic research and applied research as well as the transfer to industry."
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Blume, Vice President for Research and Transfer at Leibniz Universität Hannover
"We see HsH as a future workshop for social, ecological and economic transformation. That's why we are happy to get involved - with our expertise in sustainability, digitalization and further education, among other things. This is part of our social responsibility for the region."
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Grotjahn, Vice President for Research, Transfer and Continuing Education at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
"The challenges facing the automotive industry are immense. As the economic development agency of the city and region of Hanover, we look forward to supporting the industry with our expertise in the urgently needed structural change and keeping this industry, which is so important for our location, fit for the future."
Doris Petersen, Managing Director of hannoverimpuls GmbH
"NiedersachsenMetall has an intrinsic interest in supporting the regional transformation network "neu/wagen" due to its membership structure in the automotive and supplier industry, which significantly shapes the regional economic profile of the Hanover and Hildesheim region, among others. We see ourselves as a sponsor to ensure that the necessary networks and contacts to relevant stakeholders can be established and, moreover, that a decisive contribution is made to the development of a regional transformation network in the interests of our member companies. In doing so, we are pursuing the maxim of technological openness that was already underpinned in the strategy dialog for the automotive industry when it comes to developing the vision for the future of the Hannover and Hildesheim region."
Dr. Volker Schmidt, Managing Director of the Lower Saxony Metal Employers' Association
"The necessary structural change in the automotive and supplier industry can only be managed jointly in order to ensure the future viability of the companies. The regions of Hildesheim and Hanover are strongly characterized by this industry and have important research and university expertise, which is why the regional approach of this project offers a great opportunity to actively support companies in the transformation."
Matthias Ulrich, Managing Director of Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft
Hildesheim (HI-REG) mbH

With the neu/wagen project, which was launched as a transformation network for the digitalization and sustainable development of the automotive industry in the Hannover/Hildesheim region, a consortium led by the Hannover Region Economic and Employment Promotion Agency is supporting affected companies in identifying and implementing their own transformation paths. The project started on July 1, 2022 and is being funded with around €4 million until June 30, 2025 as part of the "Transformation strategies for regions in the automotive and supplier industry" guideline from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK).

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