
Career reorientation instead of studying

Changing instead of getting off

Changing trains instead of gettingoffHanoverregion

Hannover Region provides permanent advice to students dropping out

The successful project "Change instead of dropping out", which has provided around 630 consultations over the past seven ...
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The degree doesn't fit, but what comes next?
Career reorientation advice for university dropouts who are interested in dual vocational training.

Free offer for students and drop-outs

Students who are considering giving up their studies or have already done so can obtain free advice on the possibilities of dual vocational training. The consultations are confidential and are based on individual interests and needs. (Former) students can also be put in touch with training companies and network partners.

Offers for companies

The project also offers interesting services for training companies. With our free information and advice service, we support companies that see the decision of young people to drop out of university not as a problem, but as an opportunity and want to recruit them as future specialists for their company as part of a dual training program.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Marcus Voitel
Head of the University and Career Coordination Office I Advice and project coordination Umsteigen statt Aussteigen Region Hannover Employment Promotion
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