More freight traffic on the railways

Supporting the shift of freight traffic to rail.

New commercial areas for freight transport and logistics companies should - in addition to good highway connections - be linked to rail and/or waterways wherever possible.

In order to (once again) make greater use of rail transport for freight transportation, the shipping industry needs access to efficient regional logistics hubs. These include the four inland ports in particular

  • Linden harbor,
  • North harbor,
  • Misburg harbor and
  • Brinker harbor

in Hanover as well as the marshalling yard in Seelze and the airport in Langenhagen.

With the Megahub Lehrte freight hub, DB also put a modern transhipment facility (road/rail and rail/rail) into operation in 2020, which significantly improves the connection to the seaports.

Loading companies with sidings can exchange information with each other: To this end, the ERFA (experience exchange group) Rail Freight Transport of the Hannover Region was set up, which holds workshops for its member companies twice a year and also represents the interests of the companies vis-à-vis politicians. Via an online library, members have access to a knowledge platform of the Logistics Competence Center Prien (Bavaria) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML).

Contact us

Hanover Region
Project management location development
Dr. Kai Ingwersen
Project management location development
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion

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