Promotion of young talent

Securing the next generation of skilled workers - combating youth unemployment and improving training.

In order to ensure the competitiveness and innovative capacity of small and medium-sized companies in particular, a sufficient number of well-trained and motivated junior staff is required.

In terms of content, the activities of the Hannover Region's employment promotion department concentrate on the following key areas in the development of projects to promote young talent:

  • Strengthening dual training and improving the quality of training
  • Development of model projects for collaborative training and part-time training
  • Acquisition of foreign trainees
  • Support for targeted career guidance and study orientation, especially in the STEM, healthcare, hotel and catering, ICT, skilled trades and logistics sectors
  • Stronger retention of graduates in the region
  • Strengthening dual study programs and expanding permeability to university accessPreventing drop-outs from training and studies
  • Attracting university dropouts to dual vocational training
  • Intensification of cooperation between universities, schools and companies
  • Activities to increase the attractiveness and improve the image of companies
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