Inclusion Award

The Inclusion Award is aimed at companies, businesses and enterprises in Hanover that use innovative concepts to create or maintain barrier-free work and training places for people with disabilities, thus enabling them to lead a self-determined working life. Prize money totaling 20,000 euros is available.
The prize for inclusion in business was awarded for the thirteenth time on June 18, 2024. Painter for the second time as a joint prize from the Hannover Region and the state capital of Hannover.
The winners are the companies Siemer Verpackung GmbH and Sanacorp Pharmahandel GmbH. The companies each received 10,000 euros.
The criteria
- Apprenticeships for people with disabilities
- Permanent jobs for people with disabilities
- Special services
- Other innovative approaches for inclusion in working life
- Start-up approaches that pursue an inclusive objective
Selection and jury
A jury consisting of members of the council and the regional assembly, employees of the business departments
Hannover Region and the City of Hannover, the employment service, representatives of disability organizations and the business community as well as the representatives for people with disabilities of the City of Hannover and the Hannover Region.
Award winners from previous years:
- Novuprint, Agency for Media Design, Advertising, Publication GmbH (2011)
- John + Bamberg GmbH & Co KG, orthopaedic workshop (2011)
- AfB gGmbH, work for people with disabilities (2012)
- Daimler AG, Mercedes Benz branch / Logistics Center Hanover Podbielskistraße (2013)
- amara - Schools for Naturopathy and Healing Practice GmbH (2014)
- Kretschmar GmbH - Modern foam processing in any form (2015)
- DIE PRAXIS NeuroConcept - Physiotherapy and physiotherapy, massage (2016)
- FreuDie - Freudenberg Services (2016)
- CM Systemhaus GmbH - IT service provider (2017)
- INDIVIDUAL automotive systems, special vehicle conversion (2018)
- Klauenberg GmbH, joinery and cabinetmaking (2018)
- BäckerGöing, bakery company (2019)
- Volkswagen AG - Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Automobile Manufacturer (2019)
- Anna Blume cultural café (2020)
- essBAr GmbH & Co KG (2020)
- Pro Beruf Service gGmbH (2022)
- Hotboxx GmbH - Fast Food Catering (2023)
- SKM GmbH - Switchgear construction (2023)
- Siemer Verpackung GmbH (2024)
- Sanacorp Pharmahandel GmbH (2024)
Application documents for the current competition
Contact us
Frank Döpke
Department of Economics - Economic Development