Hannover-Hildesheim Future Region funding program

12.08.2024 - Regional innovative strength combined with cultural diversity! The Hannover Region, the state capital of Hannover, the district of Hildesheim and the city of Hildesheim are joining forces to form the Hannover-Hildesheim Future Region.
Breitbandausbau Region Hannover

What is supported?

Four partners have joined forces for theEU funding program"Zukunftsregion Hannover-Hildesheim": Hannover Region, the state capital of Hannover, the district of Hildesheim and the city of Hildesheim.

The future concept jointly formulated in the funding program combines innovative strength and cultural diversity - two outstanding characteristics of our region. Funding is provided for cooperationprojects in the fields of"regional innovative capacity" and "culture and leisure", which have an innovative and sustainable impact in the region with region-wide appeal or as model projects.

Public institutions, municipal companies, cooperation networks and non-profit organizations can apply to NBank for funding for their projects.

The lower limitfor eligible expenditureis EUR 100,000 (EUR 25,000 for expert opinions etc.) for an implementation period of 36 months and with a maximum funding rate of 40% of eligible expenditure.

In addition to the NBank, a regional steering group, which is advised by two specialist committees, decides on project funding.

The aim of the funding program is to network the municipalities with each other until the end of 2028 by involving economic and social partners as well as civil society actors, tofurther developtheHanover-Hildesheimregionstructurally andthus contribute to its competitiveness.

Consideration of the EU's cross-cutting objectives ofgenderequality, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, sustainable development and good work completethe program's comprehensive funding approach.

The regional management is available to advise on the development of ideas for suitable projects and to provide technical support during the application process.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Beatrice Büchse

Regional Management Future Region Hannover-Hildesheim
Fachbereich V.3 Stabsstelle EU-Angelegenheiten und Fördermittelmanagement / European Affairs and Funding Management
Hanover Region
Project manager for scientific infrastructure
Kai Weber
Project manager for science-related infrastructure
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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