Generation H2

Become part of GenerationH2
Generation H2 is the future vision for the energy transition of the economy and mobility in the Hannover Region: the use of green hydrogen as an important energy source for a CO2-neutral future.

Business, administration, research and education havejoined forcesin GenerationH2to make green hydrogen usable in the region, establish regional value chains and develop joint projects. The Hannover Region can build on efficient infrastructures in this area. For example, the region's own subsidiary RegioBus and the urban drainage system are two important, structure-giving companies involved in the future chain of green hydrogen.

  • the establishment and expansion of a regional hydrogen infrastructure from production to use,
  • investing in education and research to secure the necessary expertise for companies in the Hannover economic region and
  • the establishment of a hydrogen network of business, administration and science to ensure the transfer of know-how, the development of projects and their implementation for the regional economy.

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