Network meeting location communities 2020

Hanover location communities met in March

Networking and exchanging experiences were once again the focus of this year's network meeting of the location communities. After the welcome address by Gabriele Zingsheim, Head of Economic Development, impulses for companies were given.

Arne Decker from CIMA Beratung + Management GmbH kicked off the event with an insight into current retail and neighborhood development throughout Germany, illustrating this with best-practice examples from retailers and location communities.

Panorama Veranstaltung SOG 2020City of Hanover
Panorama event SOG 2020

This was followed by Tim Mittelstaedt from the Hannover Region, where he is the coordinator for digitalization. He reported on the use of virtual and augmented reality in retail and gastronomy. The participants had the opportunity to try out the technology.

Numerous conversations were held during the subsequent snack and the suggestions were discussed intensively.

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State capital Hanover
Frank Döpke

Department of Economics - Economic Development
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