Digitization and IT security

Digitalization opens up new markets and business models, but IT security must also always be taken into account when implementing digital projects in order to be successful.

Digitalization and the development of digital business models are becoming increasingly important. Companies that are able to adapt quickly and successfully to the digital transformation have a clear competitive advantage. However, digitalization also harbours risks, particularly in terms of IT security.

We offer you individual advice and support in the further development of your company with regard to the digitalization of processes, the design of digital business models and the improvement of your IT security.

Our services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

  • Initial check digitization & IT security
  • Networking with competent partners & service providers from industry, research and public institutions for your specific business needs
  • Tips for selecting IT security service providers
  • Working Group Information Security Hanover
  • Funding advice on digitalization & IT security

More on the topic

Initial check digitization & IT security

An objective look at your company - digitalization, digital business potential, IT security.

Our initial check is suitable for you if you want to receive a brief and objective assessment of the status of your company's digital transformation with concrete implementation steps.

Tips for selecting IT security service providers

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The number of providers on the IT security market has risen sharply - does this mean that quality is also increasing?

In a personal meeting, we will give you tips on which questions you should ask an IT service provider in discussions and which criteria you can use to assess quality.

Working Group Information Security Hanover

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The Information Security Hannover working group offers a protected space for companies of all sizes and industries to discuss challenges, the current threat situation and possible solutions in the field of information and IT security.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Project management & operational consulting
Dr. Jöran Wrana
Project management & operational consulting
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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