Region and state capital Hanover at MIPIM real estate fair

03.03.2023 - Regional President Steffen Krach and Mayor Belit Onay as guests in Cannes

The Hannover Region and the City of Hannover (LHH) will be represented on a joint stand at the international real estate trade fair MIPIM in Cannes, France, from March 14 to 17, 2023.

At the German Cities and Regions Pavilion, the region and LHH will be joining forces with the cities of Leipzig and the Rhine-Neckar region to showcase pioneering projects. The delegation led by Regional President Steffen Krach and Lord Mayor Belit Onay will be accompanied by the commercial law firm KSB Instax and Deutsche Hypo- NORD/LB Real Estate Finance.

The region and the state capital of Hanover are focusing on future topics in panel discussions. On March 14, the focus will be on the transformation of city centers. One day later, the focus will be on the reuse and repurposing of brownfield and industrial sites - topics that will shape the region and the state capital in the coming years. In addition to these industry-internal presentations, the focus will also be on networking and press work on site.

"Hannover as a business location continues to grow and offers great potential in the coming years. The economic structure is characterized by leading industries with great innovation and job potential. In Garbsen, for example, the Mechanical Engineering Campus is a research beacon, particularly with a focus on production, energy and process technology. Over the years, we have built up an innovation ecosystem here that is impressive in Germany. To this end, we have developed attractive spaces and properties close to universities. At Mipim, we have the opportunity to show an international trade audience what we can do."
Regional President Steffen Krach emphasizes the university and business location

The Hannover Region will also be represented on a panel at Mipim on the subject of tourism in an exchange with European partner regions.

"The real estate industry is an essential partner for many of the major challenges in Hanover: housing construction and the transformation of the city center. The climate targets cannot be achieved without the active involvement of the real estate industry"
says Lord Mayor Belit Onay, who is therefore actively seeking contact with the real estate industry.
Hanover Region

In line with Hannover's goals, this year's MIPIM is more focused than ever on climate-neutral planning, building and change. Topics that have been demanded by the public sector and civil society in the past have finally arrived in the real estate industry and are gradually being driven forward with commitment by the private sector.

With his goals for Hanover, Onay is a sought-after discussion partner and will take part in various panels: in the German Session, which will focus on the challenges facing the German real estate market in the near future, and in another panel where representatives of various cities and organizations will discuss their climate adaptation strategies.

"We need an exchange at eye level between cities, investors, owners and users. I am going to France to learn about solutions that have not yet been used in Hanover and to raise awareness of our projects for Hanover as a business location "
emphasizes Belit Onay
"KSB INTAX is once again supporting the state capital and the Hanover region in their appearance at MIPIM this year. It is important for Hannover as a location to fly the flag at MIPIM. We are pleased to be able to make a contribution to this."
Jan Vesting from KSB INTAX
"Deutsche Hypo - NORD/LB Real Estate Finance has been taking part in MIPIM for several years, but this year for the first time with a joint stand. For us, the trade fair is an important place to exchange ideas with players in the real estate industry - many of our most important contacts from Europe will be there. We are currently focusing on topics such as sustainability and the new market conditions with higher interest rates and falling real estate prices. We are already looking forward to the exchange."
Frank Schrader, Head of Deutsche Hypo- NORD/LB Real Estate Finance

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Hanover Region
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Christoph Borschel
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