The "360° - Successful dual virtual" project

22.05.2023 - Another consequence of the pandemic: young people - especially new immigrants - are finding it increasingly difficult to gain experience in career guidance in companies. But there are clever ideas to remedy the situation. Bernd Schlierf and Rainer Krüger from the Institut für Pädagogische Professionalität e.V. (IPP) report on their project, in which VR glasses play a central role.
360 degree virtual - explore professions with VR glasses

Together with the "Brückenbauer*innen", they have developed the "virtual career guidance" approach and named their project "360° - Erfolgreich Dual virtuell". Everyday professional situations from various occupational fields are vividly presented and explored using VR glasses. The aim is to reflect on and train social skills in everyday work situations.

Hanover Region
Tim Mittelstaedt from the Hannover Region trains the participants in using the technology

You both supervise the project in which so-called "bridge builders" are involved. Who are they?

These are committed and highly motivated refugees who are completing a dual apprenticeship or have already successfully completed it. They come from various countries of origin, e.g. Sudan, Iraq, Eritrea or Syria. We have been working closely together as a team for many years. In the now completed "Erfolgreich Dual" project, for example, we held joint information events in refugee shelters and schools. As we have different languages represented in the team, we can respond in a needs-oriented manner.

How exactly can we imagine working on the project?

With the help of the bridge builders, we have set up a learning workshop in which VR videos with scenes from everyday working life are produced. We use these VR videos to work with young people on the topic of "training" who have experience of migration and flight, among other things. The scenes are authentic because, on the one hand, they are created in a company environment and, on the other, because the personal professional experiences of the bridge builders determine the selection of topics. They are trained in VR technology, produce videos and act as amateur actors. This turns them into "role models" for others with the same experiences.

Who is the target group?

On the one hand, these are young people who are looking for an apprenticeship. But those who are already in training can also benefit from our project. We also want to appeal to women who want to find out about "classic male professions". In this way, we want to break down role stereotypes in the world of work and arouse curiosity. Last but not least: the project responds to the current refugee situation in Germany and is also aimed at Ukrainian refugees.

The aim is to present a wide range of career opportunities to everyone involved. We also want to help prevent young people from dropping out of training by giving them the opportunity to find out about requirements and work processes before they decide on a training path.

What experiences have the participants had so far?

As project managers, we take a lot of time to talk to the bridge builders about their experiences with challenging situations during the training. This allows the participants to reflect together on their experiences and reassess developments. A kind of "cultural translation" takes place in everyday working life. This also has a learning effect for the creators of the videos, not just for the users. They are constantly evolving. That's really great to watch!

Who is actually behind the project?

Alongside the Lotto Sport Foundation and Repha GmbH Biologische Arzneimittel, the Hannover Region is now supporting Team Brückenbauer*innen for the fifth year. Dr. Mahzad Peschke from the Employment Promotion Department is responsible for the content concept, Tim Mittelstaedt from the Economic Development Department for the technical concept. We both run the training courses and supervise the sessions on site.

Is it possible to participate in the current project?

Yes, of course! Young people from all countries and at all stages of training are welcome to contact us - before starting training or those who are already in training.

And we are happy to make contact with companies that are willing to let us shoot videos for them.

Then please get in touch with our contact person (see Contact)


Bernd Schlierf, IPP
Tel. 0152-28945796

Information is also availableonInstagramat@erfolgreichdual.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Project coordination
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
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