free of charge

TheSLUSHisan annual technology conference and one of the most important meeting places for the startup scene worldwide.
Slush connects startups, scaleups, investors and high-tech talent with leading international investors, executives and media. The startups hope to find funding for their company or partners for their projects and to get in touch with others in the industry.
In cooperation with the NBank as part of the state initiative startup.niedersachsen, hannoverimpuls GmbH is supporting the participation of a Lower Saxony delegation consisting of 15 start-up teams from the Hanover region and the whole of Lower Saxony.
As an additional offer, 5 selected start-ups from the Lower Saxony delegation will have the opportunity to present themselves at the German Pitching Stage of the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce/AHK Finland as part of a pitch at the SLUSH conference.
The costs for two tickets to SLUSH and four overnight stays in a hotel booked by NBank/hannoverimpuls GmbH are covered for up to two people per start-up. The funding value per start-up is up to 5,000 euros.
Apply to us if your company
- has its registered office in the Hannover Region
- has been established as of 01.01.2019
- has a justified business interest in the participation of SLUSH 2024
- see themselves as exciting ambassadors for the Lower Saxony delegation
- and fulfills the requirements of the de minimis regulation.
The selection process
The application documents should be sent by e-mail to an:slush@nbank.de, subject: "SLUSH 2024 - Application".
The application deadline is May 13, 2024 and ends on June 09, 2024 (24:00).
NBank and hannoverimpuls GmbH are expected to decide on the awarding of funding by the end of June 2024.
There is no legal entitlement to funding.
Further information on SLUSH 2024 can also be found at the NBank: Link follows
If you have any questions, pleasecontacttheNBankteamortheInternationalizationteamby phoneor e-mail.