International Founders Meetup



Are you new to Germany and facing the challenges of starting a business? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! At this English-speaking monthly meetup, you’ll meet other founders who are also navigating the complexities of the German system. Whether you’re still working on your idea or already established, this is a great place to connect. Meet once a month, typically around 10:00 AM. Perfect for those who are new to Germany or still improving their German skills. Bring your breakfast, and enjoy coffee or tea (provided). Casual, round-table discussions, where we share experiences on topics like business registration, business plans, or ideas.


Venture Villa, Walderseestraße 7, 30163 Hannover Logo Google Maps

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Projektleiter Gründung & Entrepreneurship
Julius Wolff
Projektleiter Gründung & Entrepreneurship
hannoverimpuls GmbH

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