Student Accelerator

Student Accelerator is an initiative of the Leibniz Universität Hannover from the Institute for Mechatronic Systems (imes) funded by the Hannover Region Economic Development Corporation.
Logo Student AcceleratorHanover Region

In the " Student Accelerator - Engineering Innovations " initiative, students can gain their first real-life experience in the field of spin-offs/start-ups in teams of their own choosing. They are taught the basics of business plans and company presentations and develop a business idea from the engineering environment in close cooperation with a supervisor and external professionals from the field of entrepreneurship. If the team is convincing at the first pitch and thus reaches the second round, it receives a financial innovation voucher to implement an initial (software or hardware) prototype. In the two-semester program, the Student Accelerator enables the students to found and acquire follow-up or start-up financing, e.g. the provision of an EXIST start-up grant funded by the federal government (BmWK).

Contact us

Hanover Region
Project manager for scientific infrastructure
Kai Weber
Project manager for science-related infrastructure
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion

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