Hannover Region launches major AI project for companies

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) as an opportunity for greater efficiency is recognized by many companies - but there is still a lack of concrete implementation, especially among small and medium-sized enterprises.
According to a BITKOM study from 2023, only 15 percent of companies in Germany were using AI. Meanwhile, the demand for information on AI has increased enormously - also due to the technical upheavals in times of ChatGPT & Co.
To close this gap and open up the regional economy to the benefits of AI, the Hannover Region has launched a new project:"KI.WI", the AI network of the Hannover economic region. It provides companies and specialists with low-threshold access to acquire AI knowledge and support for implementing AI projects in their own companies.
The project is supported by IPH - Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH.
Companies, specialists and people interested in AI can take advantage of the following offers:
AI deployment guide
A guide supports companies in identifying AI potential and developing business cases. With the help of guidelines, companies can structure their AI ideas and take the first steps towards implementation.
Workshops and events
Companies have the opportunity to find out about current events in the field of AI in the Hannover economic region. These workshops and events offer the opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people and to follow the latest developments in the AI sector
Networking with AI service providers
Companies receive an overview of regional private and public AI service providers who can support them with specific AI topics. This enables companies to find the experts who meet their individual requirements and successfully implement their AI projects.
AI knowledge check
With twelve questions in ten minutes, specialists interested in AI can determine their current level of knowledge about AI and receive individual recommendations and tips. The AI knowledge check will be available from mid-April.
AI competence building program
Seven learning modules, each lasting one hour, enable companies and their teams to receive further training on various AI topics, including information security, data management, change management and the technological functionality of AI. Professionals will also receive a certificate of participation for the learning modules they have successfully completed. Available from mid-April.
KI-CANVAS model and KI project profile
With the help of these pdf tools, companies - independently or with a partner - can concretize and structure AI ideas and implement them in their own company as part of project management.
All offers are bundled on thewww.kiwihannover.de platform, which has been online since March. The regional assembly has provided support of 250,000 euros to finance the project.
Contact us
Christoph Borschel
Dr. Jöran Wrana
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion