Hannover Region and City of Garbsen launch search for investors

20.03.2023 - Technology park at the mechanical engineering campus to become a beacon for innovation
Visualization: Ferdinand Heide

Together with the city of Garbsen, the Hannover Region has launched the first round of the investor selection process for the technology park on the mechanical engineering campus in Garbsen.

Potential investors can now apply to develop a technology park on the approximately 42,000 square meter site directly adjacent to the Mechanical Engineering Campus in the northwest of the Hannover Region.

The city of Garbsen acquired the site in 2018 with the support of the Hannover Region. Since 2020, around 5,300 people have been learning, teaching and working on the directly adjacent new mechanical engineering campus of Leibniz Universität Hannover.

As part of the TU9 Alliance, it is one of the nine leading technical universities in Germany - a mechanical engineering lighthouse with a focus on production, energy and process engineering, as well as production logistics, design and development.

In conjunction with the science park ("Science Area 30X") along Pascalstrasse and Hollerith-Allee in Hanover, an important cluster of research-based companies, start-ups and higher education institutions is being created.

"With the technology park on the mechanical engineering campus, we want to deliberately provide a further strong impetus to improve the regional innovation ecosystem. We see long-term and sustainable economic growth in technology-oriented companies, which will find a very good location within the region."
Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs, explains the goal
"The city of Garbsen is perfectly suited to retaining innovative companies and young talent in the region. We are looking for efficient and creative partners for this."
Mayor Claudio Provenzano

In 2021, the city and region took up the urban development concept that wasdevelopedfor themechanical engineering campusand updated it for the expansion areas. The site offers space for up to six buildings with between 7,000 and 12,500 square meters of gross floor space, including up to 3,500 square meters of student accommodation.

The planned technology parkat the Campus Maschinenbau Garbsen is intended toserve as a location for start-up activities, start-up incubators, the establishment of companies and research institutions as well as for cooperation projects, networks and joint offers from science and the regional economy.

In future, facilities for student teams and tech start-ups are also to be created directly on the mechanical engineering campus. But above all, the new technology park needs space for cooperation between business and science and rooms to try things out - so-called maker spaces, experimental and real laboratories.

First stage of the investor selection process by the beginning of March

The Hannover Region and the city of Garbsen had already presented the site and its potential at Exporeal in Munich in October 2022. The investor selection process is now starting, in which interested companies can apply to develop the land.

We are looking for companies that have experience in the development and operation of university-related technology parks and that can contribute their expertise and experience to the development of the district. The first stage of the process will run until the beginning of March, after which the selected companies will have the opportunity to develop their specific concepts and offers.

The order documents are available here for unrestricted and complete direct access free of charge

Decision expected in the fall

The city of Garbsen and the region plan to jointly decide this fall which investor will be awarded the contract to implement the technology park on the mechanical engineering campus. At the same time, work on the urban land-use planning is underway so that the first concrete construction projects could be implemented from 2024.

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Hanover Region
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Christoph Borschel
Hanover Region
Regional development project management
Hilmar Engel
Project management regional development
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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