Robotics City, neu/wagen and Generation H2 present themselves at the Hannover Messe
This year, Hannover Region will be represented at Hannover Messe from April 17 to 21 with three business development projects. The "Robotics City" project can be found in Hall 16, Stand G12 (digitalization), while the latest major project, the "neu/wagen" transformation network, can be found at the same stand. The "Generation H2" hydrogen initiative can be found in Hall 13, Stand C61 (Energy and Industrial Supply).

Robotics City Hannover isrepresented at the Hannover Messe for the first time. All robotics activities of the Hannover Region and its partners are brought together under this brand. It was developed in 2022 by the Hannover Region's Economic and Employment Promotion Agency, partners from the robotics sector in the Hannover Region and the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs. It now has nationwide appeal and brings together a wide range of initiatives, providers and projects relating to the key technology of robotics.
Several action partners will be presenting themselves at the trade fair, including the Robot Factory, a cooperation project between Leibniz Universität Hannover and the Hannover Region. It bundles robotics offers for students, trainees and pupils with the aim of preparing them for their later career entry in a digitalized working world.
At theRoboHubNiedersachsen, automation taskscanbe tested and implemented with cobots. The hub offers a combination of laboratory, information center, training facility and networking platform with services tailored to the specific needs of companies. TheRobokindFoundationaims to make robotics and artificial intelligence accessible to everyone. Among other things, the foundation will be presenting its new RoboScouts qualification format.

neu/wagen is the network for the development of individual transformation strategies for companies in the automotive and supplier industry in Hanover/Hildesheim. The project is being funded with around 4 million euros until June 2025 as part of the "Transformation strategies for regions in the vehicle and supplier industry" guideline of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK).
The project partners are IG Metall, NiedersachsenMetall, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hochschule Hannover, hannoverimpuls GmbH and Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Hildesheim Region (HI-REG) mbH.
The aim is to develop regional "best practice" examples of transformation and concretize individual success factors for a successful transformation. Visitors will have the opportunity to get to grips with an electric research vehicle on site.
One focus here is the processing of very large amounts of data that can be obtained using the sensors attached to the vehicle. Equipped with radar, lidar (a radar-related method for optical distance and speed measurement) and camera sensors, the vehicle records the environment around it.

Generation H2isthe umbrella brand under which business, administration, research and education have joined forces to make green hydrogen usable in the region, establish regional value chains and develop joint projects. The Hannover Region is involved in the area of infrastructure for the development of a regional H2 value chain with its subsidiary Regiobus and Stadtentwässerung Hannover as a municipal partner.
At the Hannover Messe, Generation H2informsabout the opportunities hydrogen can offer in the Hannover Region. The network brings together partners who are working together on the topic of hydrogen. In cooperation, the universities of Hanover and Oldenburg offer a research and practice-oriented qualification at Master's level. The target group are specialists and managers who deal with the topic.