Visit to the Lower Saxony Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development

Nicolas Gibert-Morin, the new head of the unit responsible for Germany, Austria and the Netherlands within the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Development, visited several European-funded projects on a fact-finding trip to Lower Saxony.
Von links nach rechts: Ute Messerschmidt, Norbert Gast, Katrin Gehrke, Viktor Abt, Nicolas Gibert-Morin, Bastian Wiegmann, Janos Schmied, Hartmut Selle.
From left to right: Ute Messerschmidt, Norbert Gast, Katrin Gehrke, Viktor Abt, Nicolas Gibert-Morin, Bastian Wiegmann, Janos Schmied, Hartmut Selle.

Together with the DeskOfficerresponsible for Lower Saxony,JanosSchmied, he also visited the TECH2 extension of the TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM in Science Area 30X on this trip organized by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development.

TECH2 was funded as part of the Technology and Start-up Centers program (ERDF areas) and was built between March 2021 and May 2023. It offers young start-ups 3,166 m² of workspace in 77 offices, 6 laboratory units and 7 workshops. During a tour of the building, the small delegation was given comprehensive information about hannoverimpuls GmbH and its tasks by center manager Katrin Gerke and Dr. Hartmut Selle, who also explained the importance of the TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM and TECH2 within the startup ecosystem in the Hanover region. In an exchange with a startup company based in TECH2, many questions were answered about the needs of the young company and the benefits of such a center. hannoverimpuls would like to thank the colleagues from the Ministry for the opportunity to present TECH2 to the visit from Brussels.

The extension was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), one of the most important financing instruments of the EU's cohesion policy. The project was supported by the Lower Saxony Ministries for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development and for Economic Affairs, Transport, Building and Digitization as well as the Investment and Development Bank of Lower Saxony - NBank, the State Building Authority and the State Capital of Hanover!

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Dr. Hartmut Selle
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