Start-up competition: Startup-Impuls honors Hannover's best business ideas

Hanover, March 30, 2022
Hanover is a vibrant start-up location that focuses on major social issues - and delivers convincing problem solvers: The 19th award ceremony of the Startup-Impuls start-up competition made this clear once again: 102 submitted business ideas, prizes worth more than 100,000 euros inthree categories as well as a special marketing prize and winners who are taking off with innovative business ideas.
Ladon Energywon the"Team Start"prize. The team hasdevelopedan intelligentenergy sensor with artificial intelligencethat ensures that energy is automatically used whenever it is available at a reasonable price - and will receive 25,000 euros in prize money for its contribution to the energy transition.
The"Solo-Start"prize is aimed at all those who are starting out on their own. In this case, solo refers to the number of founders - not the number of employees. Dog owner MiriamExnerwas honoredas the "Best Founder"with her healthy snack for dogs, Pralipaws, and PhilippGabriel Josef Engels asthe"Best Founder". His product mite-softwarecybersecurity is designedto ensure that sensitive data can be exchanged securely online. Both won prize money of 25,000 euros each!
The "Hochschul-Start" prizesupportedby GehrkeEconis primarily aimed at start-up projects at an early idea stage by students, institutes and departments of universities and universities of applied sciences, non-university research institutions and academic staff in the Hannover Region.
First place went toAckisionGmbH i.Gwitha prize of around 23,000 euros: 15,000 euros in prize money (earmarked) and individual offers worth up to 8,000 euros,providedby GehrkeEconges. With FUSE, the three founders are supplying a measuring devicethat measures even the smallest currents quickly and accurately,thereby closing a key gap in the market. From airport security checks and water pollution tests to PCR tests: measuring the smallest currents is a central component of chemical or physical analysis everywhere.
All nominated teams and solo starters were also rewarded with a professional image clip for their company and extensive pitch training worth a total of 1,500 euros each.
Once again this year, HannoverMarketing & Tourismus GmbHhas awardedaspecial marketing prize with a total value of around 5,000 euros, which will be used to finance marketing measures and a four-week pop-up store. The winner is David Fava, who withOH!NANA,which aims to produce the healthiest and tastiest vegan desserts based on European bananas - in other words, healthy indulgence produced sustainably.
Startup City Hannover: A location defies the crisis!
Startup-Impuls isone of the most highly endowedregional start-up competitions in Germany -and in its 19th year, it once again proves that Hanover is a sought-after start-up hotspot in Germany. 102 submitted business ideas - almost half of which were submitted by women - relating to social blockbuster topics such as sustainability, online security, health and social participation show that Hannover's "start-up ecosystem" is well positioned and that the many years of dedicated work by all those involved in the local start-up scene is bearing fruit even in times of crisis.Doris Petersen, Managing Director of hannoverimpuls GmbH, is enthusiastic about the intensive start-up activity reflected in the competition: "Today we have once again seen great business concepts with a lot of potential. The outstanding number of 102 ideas and start-ups submitted makes it clear: not only the winners have won, but also Hannover as a start-up location!"
Marina Barth, Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Board of Sparkasse Hannover, emphasizes:"The start-up competition repeatedly underlines the future viability of Hannover as a business location - this is a huge success, especially when all the signs are pointing to a crisis. The impetus this competition provides for the economy is important and proves once again that even in complicated times, people are courageous, develop great ideas and set up their own companies. That impresses me very much."
"The impetus, support and supervision of start-ups in Hannover are the result of an exemplary team effort by all those involved. Evenings like these are a reward for all those who roll up their sleeves every day to ensure our future viability as a business location," says Steffen Krach, President of the Hannover Region, describing his impressions of the award ceremony - he was the award sponsor in the "Team Start-up" category.
Even if the audience was once again only allowed to join in the celebrations digitally and at a distance due to the pandemic: The award ceremony of the Startup-Impuls start-up competition was rightly a rousing cheering party with celebrated prize winners and convincing business models.
The award winners
They are all convincing with their answers to central questions of our time. These are the winners who convinced the jury (hannoverimpuls, Sparkasse Hannover and external start-up experts)
Team Start" prize
- Ladon Energy GmbH -
- Deutsch Express Technologies GmbH
- Care guard, a service of Goodright GmbH
- Softwaregini
Solo Start" award: Best female founder
- Pralipaws - The dog chocolates, founder Miriam Exner
- TogoColor
Solo Start" award: Best founder
- e-software cybersecurity - Founder Philipp Gabriel Josef Engels
University Start" prize
- Ackision GmbH i.G. with FUSE
- Allogenetics AG
- Tetralytix GmbH
Special marketing prize fromHMTG
- David Fava, OH! NANA